Wednesday, October 30, 2019
1st Law of Performance, Eotional Inteligence, Issues in Managing teams Assignment
1st Law of Performance, Eotional Inteligence, Issues in Managing teams - Assignment Example Individuals’ gut reactions are the drivers of their decision making, which means that how they perceive other members of the group will dictate their performance. At my current workplace, this law was put into practice during the execution of a project plan. The team manager immediately set about managing commitment networks between members of the project team, even before the project began. He was obviously trying to control how the project occurred to members of the team by introducing us to one another and asking us for the parts of the project that excited us most (Zaffron & Logan, 2009). After discussing the project, most of the members began to respect one another’s expertise as we realized we had been chosen for specific tasks. One important aspect of this first law is the team members’ emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence can be generally defined as an individual’s ability to perceive their emotions and those of their team members, as well as ability to control their own emotions and evaluate them (Hicks & Bone, 2010). While some contend that EI can be strengthened and even learned, there is also a belief that it is inborn. Emotionally intelligence can also be more specifically defined as a social intelligence subset that involves an individual’s ability to monitor their own, as well as their fellow teammate’s, emotions and feelings. It is also a measure of how they are able to discriminate among these feelings, and to use the results as a guide to their decision-making. There are four principle factors that determine an individual’s EI, including emotional perception, reasoning ability using the perceived emotions, ability to understand these emotions, and abi lity to manage them. In the contemporary organization, emotional intelligence is important during meetings (Hicks & Bone, 2010). Emotional intelligence of meeting’s participants enhances the careful planning and skilful execution of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Underground Economy Essay Example for Free
Underground Economy Essay Every year, economics becomes a hot-button issue for politicians and ordinary citizens across the country. Politicians stake their careers on promises of economic revitalization, and individuals grouse when the forecast for the national economy is less than inspiring. Most economists measure an economy’s health by a variety of factors, such as the Gross Domestic Product, tax returns, poverty rates, and unemployment rates (Koopmans 575). But how accurate are these numbers? And if they are not accurate, then is society receiving a truthful picture of the overall economy? Many scholars stimate that as much as twenty percent of the GDP goes unreported every year (Kacapyr 30-31). In addition, surveys confirm that up to 25 million Americans are leaving large portions of income out of their tax files (Bartlett, â€Å"Going Underground†). In fact, the IRS estimates that an astounding one trillion dollars of income is left out of tax documents every year (Speer 15). Many factors contribute to this disturbing trend, such as crime and questionable business practices. However, one hot-button issue in particular has emerged as a significant factor in underground economy activity. For Texans, illegal mmigration is a little-disputed reality. For the American economy, Texas is an undeniable omen of the devastating impact of the underground economy. The term bears many other names (including informal and shadow economy), and has been defined in numerous ways, including those economic activities that circumvent or evade . . . the tax code and â€Å"unmeasured economic activity†(Priest 2259). The last definition, in its simplicity, best defines the underground economy. When many people think of unreported earnings, they may picture traditional illegal activities such as drug smuggling, prostitution, and gambling. While such activities do comprise a large part of the underground economy, millions of ordinary and otherwise law-abiding citizens participate in the underground economy every day. A 1994 auditor’s report states that, â€Å"The underground economy is not all smugglers. It is hundreds of thousands of otherwise honest people who have withdrawn their consent to be governed, who have lost faith in government (Dawson 18). For example, general laborers who are paid ‘under the table’ are for the most part honest individuals that nevertheless make up the estimated ? of Americans who earn â€Å"unofficial income†each year (Bartlett, â€Å"Going Underground†). What are the reasons for this illicit activity, and what effect does the underground economy exert on the overall economy? One major aid to the underground economy according to most experts is tax laws. Supply-side economics holds that any changes in marginal tax rates will have an important effect on resource use (Gwartney and Stroup 114). In other words, the presence of taxes greatly impact the economic decisions of businesses and employers alike. A big benefit for underground employees is the absence of income tax and social security reductions. In the underground economy, gross income and net income are equal. Employers also avoid costly payroll taxes when they engage in underground activities (Sennholz, â€Å"The Underground Economy†). Data gathered from the Census Bureau seems to confirm the prominence of tax evasion. The group estimates a twenty-five percent non-response rate for questions relating to income (Speer 15-16). Further, a Federal Reserve study found that when the tax burden increased by ten percent, underground activity rose by up to three percent. Self-employment and small business tax rises are particularly linked to underground economic expansion (â€Å"Underground Dwellers,†National Review). Another important determinant of underground participation is unemployment. Numerous studies have found a positive correlation between unemployment and underground participation. Individuals (especially those supporting families) who cannot find a well-paying job often feel that they have no other choice but to work in whatever job becomes available. Such citizens may work underground while still accumulating welfare and unemployment checks (Bajada 281-284). Surveys of inner-cities suggest that a gap does exist between the income reported to social welfare agencies (an average of $10,000/year in one California study) and the â€Å"actual†income level disclosed in confidential questionnaires (an average rise of $5,000/year in the California study). (Speer 16) Illegal aliens represent one prominent group who benefit from underground activities. Immigrants from poorer countries such as Mexico can be illegally paid under the minimum wage and still accumulate earnings significantly higher than if they found work in their home country. Such arrangements benefit both the employees and the employer (who avoids paying minimum wage and benefits) financially (Schlosberg 45- 47). The ramifications of underground economies on the economic picture are enormous. As previously mentioned, statistical data used to calculate the health of an economy can become irreparably skewed by missing underground information. Poverty rates and unemployment rates are overestimated (Bajada 181), which can present an overly bleak forecast for a state’s or country’s future (as evidenced by the American Demographics Index of Well-Being) (Kacapyr 31). In addition, small businesses and firms lose income opportunities because they are reluctant to move businesses into areas hich are deemed (perhaps falsely) as â€Å"poor†(Speer 16), resulting in a loss of revenue for affected regions. In return, the lack of legitimate businesses only stimulates the underground economy. National and state savings rates are also underestimated, which may lead to faulty focus in social welfare programs (Justice and Ng, â€Å"The Underground Labor Force is Rising†). Since these anti-poverty programs make up more than 70% of public aid programs (Paglin 2254), then it is vitally important that the facts and figures which are used to support and implement such programs are as accurate as possible. The programs that do work will lose important funding, due to tax shortfalls (Anderberg, Balestrino, and Galmarini 651). Likewise, the increased burden on taxpayers can create lower morale amongst even more otherwise law- abiding individuals (Bajada 187). For example, when the federal government is forced to raise taxes in order to fulfill missing income taxes, more citizens will become involved in underground activities in order to replenish their own incomes (Gwartney and Stroup 115-116). And the cycle continues. In the world of economics, there are no easy answers. Texas has learned this hard esson first-hand as its own underground economy thrives, largely due to a booming population of illegal immigrants. According to estimates by the Pew Hispanic Center, Texas-based illegal immigrants account for roughly ten percent (1. 6 million out of 11 million) of the overall United States illegal citizen population. Most of these undocumented citizens have settled in seven populous regions, including Houston (Combs, â€Å"Undocumented Immigrants in Texas†). Researchers project that the population of Texas will comprise of over fifty percent Hispanics by the year 2030 (Johnson, â€Å"Texas 2025). Of these fifty percent, a majority will enter the growing workforce of undocumented workers. Many of these undocumented workers arrive from the most education- and poverty-stricken regions of Central America and Mexico (Johnson, â€Å"Texas 2025†). Therefore, most illegal citizens, desperate for secrecy and any money for their disadvantaged families, accept jobs for little income and virtually no benefits. Despite a 1980s state mandate that banned companies from employing undocumented workers (â€Å"The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Texans†7), Texas continues to be a prolific workplace for illegal immigrants. In addition to its proximity to the Mexican border, the heavy tourism and farming present in the state makes the region an attractive draw for the surplus of service, construction, and field jobs that constitute most undocumented employment. What are the ultimate effects of Texas’ booming undocumented, underground economy? Since the state does not focus on income taxes, most tax losses result from the disadvantaged economic situation most illegal immigrants encounter. Less income itself means less spending and therefore less sales taxâ€â€taxes which generate a large portion of state revenues (Bartlett 12). The greatest costs to the state economy, however, are accrued in public assistance. Just as state laws sought to punish employers for hiring illegal immigrants, the United States Supreme Court struck a blow to Texas’ immigrant control efforts by ruling that children of undocumented citizens must be allowed entrance into the public education system. Since this 1982 ruling, the state has spent roughly $7085 dollars per year on each student (including each undocumented student). If reports by the Texas Education Agency are accurate, the annual cost of schooling undocumented students is 957 million dollars (Combs, â€Å"Undocumented Immigrants in Texas†), nearly one billion dollars per year. Healthcare represents another crucial cost of the underground economy. Since virtually all undocumented workers receive no health insurance, these individuals must rely on public health services when they do fall ill or get into accidents. In Texas, most of these services are readily available to anyoneâ€â€regardless of citizenship statusâ€â€due to the Indigent Healthcare and Treatment Act. Emergency care, treatment of infectious diseases, immunizations, women’s and children’s health services, and even mental and substance abuse programs can all be obtained by illegal immigrants. The Texas comptroller conducted a comprehensive study at the end of 2006 which highlighted the extreme cost of such services per year. By applying a formula which measured state expenditures against the estimated undocumented population, the comptroller found costs of three and a half million dollars annually in emergency medicine alone. Federally mandated assistance services such as Medicaid netted an additional 38 million dollar cost per year in relation to illegal immigrants. Overall, the comptroller put total healthcare costs based on underground activity at a conservative 58 million dollars. Most of these expenses fall onto local governments and businesses in the private sector, as does the estimated 130 million dollars in annual illegal immigrant incarcerations every year (Combs, â€Å"Undocumented Immigrants in Texas†). The impact of illegal immigration on small business entrepreneurs perhaps highlights the most lasting cost to Texas’ future. A prevalence of underground economic activity steals from and slowly strangles the economy that is ‘above the ground. ’ Consider the plight of one contractor, a man who already charges at rates drastically reduced from those of his competitors. Despite his willingness to adjust to the economic climate and the spirit of capitalism, this legal workerâ€â€who compensates all of his employees fullyâ€â€recently received a dismissal from a potential client that has become all too common: â€Å"I have two other bids here that are half what you’re asking†(McHugh, â€Å"Notes from the Underground Economy†). Documented workers, already struggling in a struggling economy, must face even more obstacles simply because they expect a living wage. The government has done little to address this problem. By the turn of the century, fewer than 1000 employers nationwide were being held accountable for hiring illegal immigrants. If this lax approach to the problem continues, in the United States and in Texas in particular, the dire prediction of Texas State Representative Pete Gallego will transform into a grim reality: â€Å"By the year 2025, if we keep doing what were doing now, Texas will have the economy of a Third World country. â€
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Botswana :: essays research papers
Botswana      Botswana is a landlocked country in southern Africa, roughly the size of Texas. It covers 224,607 square miles, yet contains only 1,444,000 people, making it one the most thinly populated countries in Africa. The eastern portion is where most people reside, because the Kalahari Desert covers almost all the rest of the nation. Botswana's climate is a semiarid one, consisting of very hot summers, and warm winters. Flat and rolling land make up the topography of Botswana, with the Kalahari in the southwest.      There are several major ethnic groups in Botswana. Most Botswanans are black Africans called Tswana, and the largest group of the Tswana are the Bamangwato. The Bamangwato make up almost one third of Botswana's population. The majority of the Tswana are farmers. There are also about 10,000 of the San people, or â€Å"Bushmen†. Some San are hunter-gatherers, and some are farmers. Several thousand whites are also included in Botswana's population. Most are of British descent. Most whites earn more money then the blacks, and this causes some racial tension. Although English is the official language of Botswana, most people speak Setswana, a Bantu language. Eighty-five percent of Botswana's people practice traditional African religions, while the rest are Christian. Most Botswanan children attend elementary school, but only fifteen percent will go on to high school. The small percent of people that go to college attend the University of Botswana in Gaborone, the nation's capital.      Great Britain once had control over Botswana. South Africa wanted Botswana, then called Bechuanaland, as part of their country. But Great Britain refused. On September 30,1966, Botswana was declared independent. It's official name is The Republic of Botswana. Seretse Khama became the nation's first president.      Some of Botswana's chief resources are diamonds,copper,nickel, and salt. The economy of Botswana was based on cattle and crop raising, but now diamond mining is controlling the economy, despite a 25 percent unemployment rate due to slow diamond sales in 1994. In 1994, Botswana made 1.8 billion dollars in exports of diamonds,copper, nickel, and meat. Botswana has it's own currency: the pula. One pula is equal to about 1.8 U.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Case Study: Developmental Reading
The article attempted to explicate how originative activities for 3rd twelvemonth high school pupils affect their critical thought accomplishments. Comparing two groups, the Instruction with Creative Activities ( ICA ) and the Instruction with No Creative Activities ( INCA ) , the survey expected the ICA group to hold higher mean tonss and average additions in their Chemistry Test for Higher Order Thinking Skills ( ChemTHOTS ) and in their pretest to posttest severally. Although, findings suggest that there are no important differences between both groups ‘ average trial tonss, it made a distinguishing suggestion that activities given to each group should hold been more varied.Creative ThinkingCritical ThinkingThere have been surveies that tried to associate creativeness with critical thought, nevertheless most findings do non demo direct grounds to back up this theory. Recommendations range from carry oning more probes on the topic every bit good as lengthening survey period f or which the research will be conducted. On the other manus, surveies besides show that usage of varied originative techniques do assist pupils develop their imaginativeness. Imagination being a clear usage of mental procedures manner beyond the usual stretching of the encephalon. Imagination here can so be linked to perspective pickings and reflective thought which are considered high order believing accomplishments. As kids put themselves in different scenarios, find ways to work out jobs and visualise certain constructs, they do tap on this really rich encephalon activity that really provides footing for better apprehension and critical thought. We can state that every bit originative thought explores assorted appraising actions, critical thought, in bend, plays with taking different scenarios. The blending of these procedures ( as shown from the image I shared on the earlier page ) are manifested when we try to see a job and come up with several ways to work out it or when we try to understand a individual, a narrative or a state of affairs, and put ourselves in different positions. This is most apparent during drama when kids try to research illimitable boundaries and when kids come up with a creative activity that they are proud to name their ain. In a schoolroom scene, an of import end is to accomplish literacy, a solid apprehension of constructs, every bit good as to prolong acquisition, its different signifiers and degrees. However, this is a really delicate and complicated effort that entails an synergistic attack from the instructor and a response from the scholar. Therefore doing the acquisition procedure, a duty of all the cardinal participants. And aside from the traditional stiff methods, there are assorted ways to accomplish these ends. For the intent of this survey, methods that promote originative thought like art, drama and games are proposed. Concretely, a lesson on Shakespearean dramas can be made more colourful if alternatively of inquiring pupils to memorise and discourse lines, they would come up with their ain rendering of a peculiar scene. A lesson on the Solar System can be made more meaningful if alternatively of merely inquiring pupils to memorise the different planets and come up with a theoretical acco unt, they could feign to be going from one planet to another and from each planet they are to direct a post card depicting about their location and their stay at that place. And a lesson on the different states of Africa can be made more unerasable if alternatively of merely being able to turn up them on the map, they would larn a peculiar dance move and associate that with a state, and so likely come up with their ain States of Africa dance. The survey is most relevant as it is the epoch when scholars want to be more involved with the acquisition procedure. They want hands-on, application and pattern. It is besides the clip when it is extremely encouraged for the pedagogues to tailor-fit their lessons to varied scholars with every bit diverse acquisition manners. It is now a call to pedagogues to prolong their acquisition and to react with methods that are perfect lucifer to their acquisition demands. And in the hunt for these methods, we find ways to tap on higher degrees of thought accomplishments, supplying our pupils with unmeasurable instruction. As pedagogues, we ourselves are front line drives in prosecuting this way for our scholars. We must prosecute them in the acquisition procedure by supplying them with instructional schemes and methods that let them really grasp what they are seeking to understand. We should non restrict their heads but instead allow them research the universe. And as they go about this geographic expedition, we ourselves should be with them and continuously open our heads and do our universe even richer, paving the manner for our pupils. We can ne'er be the designers of the workings of our pupil ‘s heads. I learned this the difficult manner while take a firm standing to my so biennial old male child that he should larn about and joint back the life rhythm of a butterfly. The lone things I got out of that episode were painful cryings and letdown with myself. I should hold waited for him to be ready and it would hold been best had I tried to look for ways to offend his involvement and inventive accomplishments foremost. All we can make truly is non to plan their heads but design lessons they can bit by bit absorb with much enthusiasm and through assorted experiences. As a parent and a future pre-school pedagogue, I should besides maintain in head that my kids will be turning up reasonably fast. Each twenty-four hours is a learning twenty-four hours and there truly is no turning back. I should do the most out of the clip I am given with them. I should ever be able to come up with a great lesson, ever luring their involvement and ever doing certain that they leave the category experiencing proud of themselves for making something. I should assist them utilize their heads in many different ways, ever with the end for them to larn something new. And that, they arrive at such larning non merely through ground, but more significantly, with a great trade of sentiment and imaginativeness.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Managing paediatric illness Essay
Accidents will happen however careful you carry out risk assessments and supervise children. That is why it is recommended that practitioners take a first aid course. There has to be at least one first aider present at all registered settings. The aims of first aid are often remembered as the three p’s, these are: Preserve Life. Prevent the condition from worsening. Promote recovery. Sometimes first aid is all that is necessary- for instance, common minor injuries such as grazes can be treated sufficiently. However, it is important to recognise when medical assistance is required urgently. Whenever you are dealing with an accident, incident or illness you must stay calm. You should reassure casualties, and children who are bystanders, as they may be frightened. You should ensure that you and others are not put at unnecessary risk. Think through your actions carefully and make safety your priority. Major fractures are often associated with other injuries and priorities must be set in each patient. Control of internal concealed haemorrhage, for example, from a ruptured spleen, takes precedence over fracture management. It is, however, important in severely injured patients that open fractures are managed as early as possible. The advantages of this approach include diminished risk of infection, reduction in pain, early ability to sit upright with improved respirato ry function, reduced continuing blood loss, and improved healing of soft tissue injuries and a reduced incidence of fat embolism. Initial assessment. Primary survey- the ABCDE’s of the primary survey should be assessed. Haemorrhage from a musculoskeletal injury should be identified and controlled with direct pressure. It is important to recognise that significant amounts of blood may be lost from fractures of the pelvis or femur and haemodynamic instability from hypovolemia may be present. Physical examination is carried out while resuscitation is in progress in hypovolemic patients. Clothing is cut free and the patient is examined for fractures and for evidence of internal haemorrhage. The following are important adjuncts to the primary survey and resuscitation; Fracture reduction and immobilisation emergency splinting of fractures will minimise soft tissue damage, reduce blood loss, control pain and prevent conversion of a closed fracture to an open fracture. Temporary traction devices may be used to maintain satisfactory alignment. It is important to examine the injured limb for signs of vascular and nerve injury, as well as searching for a fracture or dislocation. The fractured limb should be handled as gently as possible if some realignment is necessary in order to apply a padded standard or improvised splint. Splinting should immobilise the joints above and below the fracture also. The open wound compound fracture should be promptly covered with a clean or sterile dressing. Bone protruding from the wound should be left undisturbed. Analgesia. Although splinting greatly assists pain control, the emergency services may administer an intravenous narcotic analgesia. Resuscitation- up to four litres of blood may be lost with severe fractures of the pelvis or femur. Adequate resuscitation before internal fixation is particularly important in such patients, who may lose 50% or more of their blood volume, either externally (with open injuries) or into the tissues of the thigh and pelvis. One or two litres of blood distributed evenly throughout the soft tissues of the thigh will increase the external diameter by a mere 1-2cm; patients with multiple pelvic and other fractures can require replacement or considerably more than their blood volume. Secondary survey- during the secondary survey a focused history and examination are performed, including a neurological assessment. History taking should incorporate ‘ample’ and the following points should be considered: circumstances of the accident, and history of crushing trauma or explosive forces. If the patient has been involved in a motor vehicle accident. Physical examination and neurological assessment. Signs of fracture are local loss of function, bony tenderness, swelling, deformity, bruising and protective muscle spasm. Testing for abnormal movement and crepitus is unnecessarily painful and contraindicated. An obvious fracture may often distract attention from a less obvious injury. For example, dislocation of the hip may coexist with an obvious femoral shaft fracture (sometimes the real cause of persistent shock); a spinal fracture with a fracture of the calcaneus. Visceral injuries such as splenic rupture are seen with fractured ribs; urethral or bladder injuries with a fractured pelvis. The examiner should check peripheral pulses and evidence of limb ischemia beyond a fracture-such a complication requires urgent correction. The most common vascular injuries are at the knee and elbow-to the popliteal vessels after severe knee injury in children and to the brachial artery following supracondylar fracture. Neurological examination is also essential; loss of motor power in any muscle group or loss of any cutaneous sensation indicates nerve injury. If the patient can flex and extend the toes and ankle, the major nerves of the lower extremity are intact; if the fingers can be spread and flexed and the thumb can be extended, functional integrity of the major nerves of the upper limb is present. Common nerve injuries following fractures are: the radial nerve from fracture of the mid-humerus, the peroneal nerve from proximal fibular fracture and knee injuries, and the ulnar nerve from fracture of the medical epicondyle of the humerus. Sciatic and axillary nerve injuries must always be excluded after dislocation of the hip or shoulder. Careful attention to the details of local treatment is most important. Fractur es heal promptly with correct local treatment. Children are constantly bumping and bruising themselves. All it takes is one fall too hard, and the child might just end up with a broken bone. One out of five people has had a fracture at some point in time, and the maximum of these fractures occur during childhood. How can you tell if it’s a fracture or a sprain? The pains is less intensive in a sprain than in a fracture, but never make a mistake of underestimating someone’s pain threshold. A dislocation is when the bone has come out from the socket. This also results in acute pain, swelling, an inability to carry any weight and an inability to move the injured limb. A hairline fracture is just when the bone gets a crack that goes through it. Such fractures still cause immense pain, but at least the chances of needing an operation are slim. A compound fracture is one in which the bone completely breaks apart pops out through the skin. This is the worst kind and it may result in loss of blood as well. The first step to be taken is to immobilise the should not be moved at all. Leg fracture- if a child has a suspected fractured leg, carefully straighten it. Call for emergency services and in the meantime, secure the leg so it doesn’t move. Apply two splints, one on the inner leg from the foot to inner thigh, and the other on the outside, from the foot to the armpit. Secure the splints well. Do not move the child until their leg has been completely immobil ised. You could tie both legs together for added support. Hand fracture- the hand should be moved to a 90 degree angle and kept close to the chest. It should be immobilised in this position, and if the pain is too intense, do not move it at all. To help maintain the position place the injured arm into a sling. Bleeding- if a child is bleeding, you should treat the bleeding first. Stop the bleeding by first cleaning it with sterile water and then apply a sterile clean dressing. Keep RICE in mind, as a first aid treatment for all fractures, sprains and dislocations: Rest- Give plenty of rest to the immobilised limb. Move it as little as possible so that there is no strain. Ice- Apply ice to the injured area. No heat treatment or massage should be given. Use an ice pack or wrap some ice cubes in a damp towel and apply it to the injured area. You could also use anything frozen such as a packet of frozen peas. Compression- Wrap up the injured area with a large crepe bandage if possible, or use any clean, fresh cloth available. Wrap it as tight as is comfortable. However ask the patient don’t assume how tight it is. This will relieve pain somewhat. Elevation- The injured limb should preferably be raised above the level of t he heart. This could be done using something like a pillow. During any first aid treatment it is vital that the patient is reassured and is made as comfortable as possible and that you stay as calm as possible to keep the situation and patient calm, do not delay seeking medical assistance and ensure the patient remains nil by mouth in case surgery or anaesthesia is needed as this will delay things. Head injuries occur commonly in child hood and adolescence. Most head injuries are mild and not associated with brain injury or long term complications. A head injury is any trauma that injures the scalp, skull, or brain. The injury may be only a minor bump on the skull or a serious brain injury. A closed head injury means you received a hard blow to the head from striking an object, but the object did not break the skull. An open, or penetrating, head injury means you were hit with an object that broke the skull and entered the brain. This usually happens when you move at high speed. Symptoms of a head injury can occur right away, or develop slowly over several hours or days. Even if the skull is not fractured, the brain can bang against the inside of the skull and be bruised. The head may look fine, but problems could result from bleeding or swelling inside the skull. In any serious head trauma, the spinal cord is also likely to be injured. Some head injuries cause changes in br ain function. This is called a traumatic brain injury. Learning to recognise a serious head injury and give basic first aid can save someone’s life. Get medical help immediately if the person: Becomes very sleepy. Behaves abnormally. Develops a severe headache or stiff neck. Has pupils of unequal size. Is unable to move an arm or leg. Loses consciousness, even briefly. Vomits more than once. Concussion-the term concussion is used to describe a mild form of traumatic brain injury. Concussion includes confusion, amnesia, headache, vomiting and dizziness. Seizures. The signs and symptoms of a skull fracture are: A cut, bruise, or swelling on their head. There may also be bruising around their eyes and behind their ears. Blood or clear fluid coming out from their head, ear or nose. Bump or lump on their head. Dizziness, feeling tired. Pain or tenderness on their head. Very bad headache. Cerebral compression is very serious and almost invariably requires surgery. Cerebral compression occurs when there is a build-up of pressure on the brain. This pressure may be due to one of several different causes, such as an accumulation of blood within the skull or swelling of injured brain tissues. Cerebral compression is usually caused by a head injury. However, it can also be due to other causes, such as stroke, infection or a brain tumour. The condition may develop immediately after a head injury, or it may appear a few hours or even days later. Recognising cerebral compression Deteriorating level of response. History of a recent head injury. Intense headache. Noisy breathing, becoming slow. Slow, yet full and strong pulse. Unequal pupil size. Weakness/paralysis down one side. High temperature. Drowsiness. Abnormal behaviour. You should always consider the possibility of cervical spine injury in cases of head injuries. There are two types of injury. Typical cervical hyperextension injuries occur in drivers/passengers of a statutory or slow-moving vehicle that is struck from behind. The person’s body is thrown forward but the head lags, resulting in hyperextension of the neck. When the head and neck have reached maximum extension the neck then snaps into flexion. A rapid deceleration throws the head forwards and flexes the cervical spine. The chin limits forward flexion but the forward movement may be sufficient to cause longitudinal distraction and neurological damage. Hyperextension may occur in the subsequent recoil. The symptoms include: Neck pain, jaw pain, para spinal muscle tightness and spasms. Interscapular and low back pain. Reduced range of movements and neck tenderness. Headache, dizziness, vertigo, blurring of vision. Numbness in shoulders and arms. Swelling. Insomnia, anxiety. Leg weakness. Arm weakness. Other possible cause of acute neck pain and stiffness caused by head injury include: Spinal fracture. Cervical disc herniation. Subarachnoid haemorrhage. Cervical spondylosis. The primary goal in the early management of a severely injured patient is the provision of sufficient oxygen to the tissues to avoid organ failure and secondary central nervous system damage. The first priority is to establish and maintain a patient’s airway. With the addition of high-concentration oxygen and the presence of adequate tissue perfusion, this will enable sufficient spontaneous breathing or assisted ventilation to oxygenate the patient. The possibility of an unstable cervical injury exists in patients exposed to significant blunt trauma; during airway interventions neck movements must be minimised to avoid secondary harm to the spinal cord. Head injury with impaired consciousness and reduced pharyngeal tone is the commonest trauma-related cause of airway obstruction. The airway may also be soiled with blood or regurgitated matter. Blunt or penetrating injuries that obstruct the airway include maxillary, mandibular and laryngotracheal fractures, and the large an terior neck haematomas. Significant partial and incipient airway obstruction are also potential causes of early death. Vigilant reassessment with immediate restoration and protection of airway patency is essential. Having ensured scene safety, the initial approach to the trauma victim begins with an assessment of the patency of the airway and if indicated manual in line stabilisation (MILS) of the cervical spine. In unconsciousness patients, the head and neck should be maintained in neutral alignment. MILS may be replaced with a correctly sized hard cervical collar, lateral blocks and straps across the forehead and chin piece of the collar. Spinal immobilisation prohibits head tilt. A jaw thrust may be more effective in relieving airway obstruction with decreased consciousness than a chin lift. However, a jaw thrust can cause significant movement of an unstable cervical spine. If tolerated an oropharyngeal airway may maintain airway patency while exerting less force on the vertebrae. Subsequently assisted ventilation may be more successful if separate rescuers apply the jaw thrust, hold the face mask and begin resuscitation. Any material such as dust, sand or paint that gets into the eye is called a foreign body. Foreign bodies fall into two categories; Superficial- these stick to the front of the eye or get trapped under one of the eyelids, but do not enter the eye. Penetrating- these penetrate the outer layer of the eye and enter the eye. These objects are usually travelling at high speed and are commonly made of metal. Superficial foreign bodies are not usually serious. A penetrating eye injury can be extremely serious-it may lead to blindness in not detected and treated promptly. If you get a superficial body in your eye, first aid treatment in the form of a gentle rinsing with sterile water is appropriate it is easier to tilt the head or lie down and rinse the eye from the side. It is vital to keep the child calm and reassure them throughout. If a child has a penetrating eye injury you must seek urgent medical assistance remembering to keep calm and reassure the child. Foreign bodies in the ear can either be in the lobe or in the ear canal. Objects usually found in the ear lobe are earrings, either stuck in the lobe from infection or placed too deep during insertion. Foreign bodies in the ear canal can be anything a child can push into their ear. The reason children place things in their ears is usually because they are bored, curious or copying other children. Sometimes, one child may put an object in another child’s ear during play. Insects may also fly into the ear canal, causing potential harm. The treatment for foreign bodies in the ear is prompt removal of the object. In the case of the foreign body being an insect you can use tepid water in any other case it is important that trained professionals remove the items to prevent any further damage occuring. The techniques they may use include: Instruments may be inserted to retrieve it. Magnets in the case of metal objects. Cleaning the ear canal with water. A machine with suction to help pull the object out. After removal of the object the ear will be re-examined to determine whether there is any injury to the ear canal. Antibiotic drops may be prescribed to treat any possible infection. Medical help should be sought if treatment is unsuccessful and to ensure all materials are removed. The most common symptom of a foreign body in the nose is nasal discharge. The drainage appears only on one side of the nose and often has a bad odour. In some cases, the child may also have a bloody nose. The treatment for this involves prompt removal by a medical professional. They may find if necessary to sedate a child in order to remove the object successfully. Again the doctor may prescribe nose drops or antibiotic treatment. Whilst waiting for medical assistance it is vital to encourage the child to breathe through their mouth. Corneal abrasions- are a scratch or injury to the cornea, the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye. There are many things that can cause an abrasion to the cornea. When objects make contact with the surface of the eye, a small abrasion can occur. Chemical burn- occurs when a child gets any type of chemical in their eye. Chemical burns are a medical emergency. They can result in a loss of vision and even a loss of the eye itself. Household cleaning agents are a common cause of this type of injury. Bruising or black eye- usually occurs from some type of injury to the eye, causing the tissue around the eye to become bruised. Fractures to the orbit- the orbit is the bony structure around the eye. When one or more bones surrounding the eye are broken. An orbital fracture usually occurs after some type of injury or strike to the face. Eyelid lacerations- are cuts to the eyelids caused by injury. General symptoms of eye injuries can include: Blood in the eyeball. Changes in the shape of the iris or pupil. Eye pain. The absence of obvious symptoms. When checking eyes for injury it is important to wear gloves and any cuts should be cleaned with sterile water to prevent infection, always wash hands before and after examining a patient. Check the patient’s vision. Within the setting the most common eye injury is caused by things such as sand this can be dealt with by a trained first aider on site. However other injuries will more than likely need medical assistance. Sickle Cell Anaemia. Symptoms vary, ranging from mild to severe, and may be less severe, or different in children who have inherited a sickle cell gene from one parent and a different abnormal haemoglobin gene from the other. Most children with sickle cell disease have some degree of anaemia and might develop one or more of the following conditions and symptoms as part of the disorder: Acute chest syndrome. Aplastic crisis. Hand-foot syndrome. Infections. Painful crisis. Splenic sequestration crisis. Stroke. Bone marrow transplant is the only known cure for sickle cell disease. But even without a cure, children with sickle cell can lead relatively normal lives. Medicines are available to help manage the pain and immunisations and daily doses of penicillin can help prevent infection. Most children will require two doses of penicillin, as prescribed by their GP, if attending a setting a nominated individual will be responsible for the administration of this medication. It is vital to seek emergency attention if the child develops: Fever of 101  °F or higher. Chest pains Pain that isn’t relieved by oral medication. Shortness of breath or trouble breathing. Extreme fatigue. Severe headache or dizziness. Severe stomach pain or swelling. Jaundice or paleness. Sudden change of vision. Seizures. Weakness. Slurring. Loss of consciousness. Numbness or tingling. Remember to reassure the child, you should encourage the child to drink plenty of fluids, rest regularly and avoid temperatures. Diabetes. Regular testing of blood glucose levels is a very important part of diabetes care. Testing is done by taking a drop of blood, usually from a finger, and placing it on a special test strip in a glucose meter. Caregivers must practice universal precautions when handling and disposing of testing equipment. Hyperglycaemia, or high blood sugar, occurs with both types of diabetes. It occurs when the body gets too little insulin, too much food, too little exercise or with illness. Stress from a cold, sore throat, or other illness may increase the level of blood glucose. Symptoms include frequent irritation, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, unusual weightless, irritability and poor sleep, nausea and vomiting, and weakness and blurred vision. Hypoglycaemia, or low blood sugar, is more common in people with type 1 diabetes. It is the most common immediate health problem and is also called ‘insulin reaction’ or ‘insulin shock’. It occurs when the body gets too much insulin, too little food, a delayed meal or more than the usual amount of exercise. Symptoms include hunger, changes in mood or behaviour, sweating, and rapid pulse. Treatment commonly involves quickly restoring glucose levels to normal with a sugary food or drink such as orange juice, candy, biscuits or glucose tablets. If not treated properly, it can result in loss of consciousness and a life-threatening coma. Glucagon injections are used in life-threatening situations to increase blood glucose. First aid for a diabetic come are as followed: Call emergency services. Don’t try to give them food or fluids as they may choke. Place them into the recovery position to prevent any obstruction to breathing. Follow any instructions given to you by the emergency services operator until paramedics arrive. Asthma. In an asthma attack the muscles of the air passages in the lungs go into spasm and the linings of the airways swell. As a result, the airways become narrowed and breathing becomes difficult. Sometimes there is a specific trigger for an asthma attack such as: an allergy a cold cigarette smoke extremes of temperature exercise. Recognition features Difficulty in breathing, with a very prolonged breathing-out phase. There may also be: wheezing as the casualty breathes out difficulty speaking and whispering distress and anxiety coughing features of hypoxia, such as a grey-blue tinge to the lips, earlobes and nail beds (cyanosis). Severities of attacks are frightening for the child concerned and can also by frightening for those children who may be witnessing it. The child wheezes and becomes breathless. Prompt action is needed. Reassure the child. Give bronchodilator inhaler as instructed if the child is a known asthmatic. These inhalers should always be immediately available- they deliver medication to the lungs to relieve the affected airways. Children may also have another type of inhaler used to prevent attacks. Make sure you know which to use in an emergency, particularly if older children generally use their inhalers themselves. Sit child upright and leaning forwards in a comfortable position. Stay with them. If this is the first attack or the condition persists call for an ambulance remember to note changes in the child’s face and lips (colour) and all breathing difficulties and speech to pass onto paramedics. Ensure there is adequate ventilation and encourage the child to breathe deeply and slo wly. Meningitis. Meningitis should be treated as a medical emergency because bacterial meningitis can lead to septicaemia which can be fatal. Bacterial meningitis is the more serious form of the condition. The symptoms usually begin suddenly and rapidly get worse. Emergency services should be contacted immediately if it is suspected. Bacterial meningitis has a number of early warning signs that usually occur before other symptoms. These are: Pain in the muscles, joints or limbs. Unusually cold hands and feet. Pale or blotchy skin and blue lips. The presence of a high temperature with any of the above symptoms should be taken very seriously and emergency services should be called. Early symptoms are similar to those of many other conditions, and include: A severe headache. Fever. Nausea. Vomiting. Feeling generally unwell. As the condition gets worse it may cause: Drowsiness. Confusion. Seizures or fits. Being unable to tolerate bright light. A stiff neck. A rapid breathing rate. A blotchy rash that does not fade or change colour when you place a glass against it. Viral meningitis- most people will experience mild flu like symptoms. When examining a child with suspected meningitis it is vital to wash hands and wear personal, protective, equipment such as disposable aprons, and gloves to reduce the risk of cross infection, ensure you reassure and don’t panic the child at any stage. It is important to inform senior staff or management of the case so they can contact and inform others where necessary. Febrile convulsions. Febrile convulsions maybe due to epilepsy, or a high temperature. Violent muscle twitching, clenched fists, arched back, may lead to unconsciousness. Do not try to restrain the child. Instead clear the immediate area and surround the child with pillows or padding for protection. Cool the environment and the child gradually (as for a temperature), sponging skin if necessary. When seizures stop place the child in the recovery position and reassure. Dial 999. Remember to prevent choking ensure the mouth is clear; drain any fluids, pulling the chin and jaw forward if breathing is affected. Epilepsy. It is vital to remain calm when dealing with seizures as a person’s response to seizures can influence how other people act. If the first person remains calm, it will help others stay calm too. Talking calmly and reassuring the patient during and after the seizure- it will help them as they recover from the seizure. Don’t be afraid. Stay calm. The person will be ok. Do not try to stop the person from shaking. If the patient is walking, gently guide them away from dangerous places like stairs. Call emergency services and tell them clearly what is happening and you need an ambulance. To make sure they don’t get hurt, move anything sharp. Place something soft under the patients head, loosen tight clothing, and remove jewellery and glasses. Do not put anything in the patient’s mouth. If you can, check a clock to see what time the seizure begun and the time the shaking stops or the person wakes up. Once the seizure has ended place them in the recovery position to stop them from choking and causing any harm to themselves. Never leave the patient wait until medical help is there and remember to speak in a quiet voice to reassure the patient. You should never restrain someone having a seizure. Just protect the person form injury, as restrains them, can cause more harm, and remember putting someone into the recovery position after a seizure can stop them from swallowing their own tongue which could lead to death. Hypothermia. Hypothermia happens when a person’s body temperature drops below 35 °C (95 °F). Normal body temperature is around 37 °C (98.6 °F). Hypothermia can quickly become life threatening and should be treated as a medical emergency. It’s usually caused by being in a cold environment and can be triggered by a combination of things – such as being outdoors in cold conditions for a long time, living in a poorly heated house or falling into cold water. The signs of hypothermia vary depending on how low a person’s temperature has dropped. Initial symptoms include shivering, tiredness, fast breathing and cold or pale skin. As the temperature drops, shivering becomes more violent (although this will stop completely if the hypothermia worsens further), the person is likely to become delirious, and struggle to breathe or move and they may lose consciousness. Babies with hypothermia may look healthy but their skin will feel cold. They may also be limp, unusually quiet and refuse to feed. You should seek immediate medical help if you suspect someone has hypothermia. If someone you know has been exposed to the cold and they are distressed, confused, have slow, shallow breathing or they’re unconscious, they may have severe hypothermia. In this case, dial 999 immediately to request an ambulance. While waiting for medical help, it is important to try to prevent further heat loss and gently warm the person. You should: Move the person indoors or somewhere warm as soon as possible. Once they are somewhere warm, carefully remove any wet clothing and dry the person. Wrap them in blankets, towels or coats. If the person is unconscious, not breathing and you can’t detect a pulse in their neck after 60 seconds, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be given if you know how to do it. Once CPR is started, it should be continued without any breaks until medical assistance arrives. There are several things you can do to prevent hypothermia. Simple measures can help, such as wearing appropriate warm clothing in cold weather and ensuring that children are well wrapped up when they go outside. Hyperthermia. Hyperthermia is the general name given to a variety of heat-related illnesses. Warm weather and outdoor activity go hand in hand. However, it is important for older people to take action to avoid the severe health problems often caused by hot weather. The two most common forms of hyperthermia are heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Of the two, heat stroke is especially dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. Heat stress occurs when a strain is placed on the body as a result of hot weather. Heat fatigue is a feeling of weakness brought on by high outdoor temperature. Symptoms include cool, moist skin and a weakened pulse. The person many feel faint. Heat syncope is a sudden dizziness experienced after exercising in the heat. The skin appears pale and sweaty but is generally moist and cool. The pulse is weakened and the heart rate is usually rapid. Body temperature is normal. Heat cramps are painful muscle spasms in the abdomen, arms or legs following strenuous activity. Heat cramps are caused by a lack of salt in the body. Heat exhaustion is a warning that the body is getting too hot. The person may be thirsty, giddy, weak, uncoordinated, nauseated and sweating profusely. The body temperature is normal and the pulse is normal or raised. The skin is cold and clammy. Heat stroke can be life-threatening and victims can die. A person with heat stroke usually has a body temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Other symptoms include confusion, combativeness, bizarre behaviour, faintness, staggering, strong and rapid pulse, and possible delirium or coma. High body temperature is capable of producing irreversible brain damage. If the child is exhibiting signs of heat stroke, emergency assistance should be sought immediately. Without medical attention, heat stroke can be deadly. Heat exhaustion may be treated in several ways: get the victim out of the sun into a cool place, preferably one that is air conditioned offer fluids but avoid alcohol and caffeine – water and fruit juices are best encourage the individual to shower and bathe, or sponge off with cool water urge the person to lie down and rest, preferably in a cool place to prevent injury if the casualty does faint. Remain calm and reassure the child. Electric Shock. The human body conducts electricity very well. That means electricity passes very easily throughout the body. Direct contact with electrical current can be deadly. While some electrical burns look minor, there still may be serious internal damage, especially to the heart, muscles, or brain. Electric current can cause injury in three ways: Cardiac arrest due to the electrical effect on the heart Muscle, nerve, and tissue destruction from a current passing through the body Thermal burns from contact with the electrical source 1. If you can do so safely, turn off the electrical current. Unplug the cord, remove the fuse from the fuse box, or turn off the circuit breakers. Simply turning off an appliance may NOT stop the flow of electricity. Do NOT attempt to rescue a person near active high-voltage lines. 2. Call your local emergency number, such as 911. 3. If the current can’t be turned off, use a non-conducting object, such as a broom, chair, rug, or rubber doormat to push the person away from the source of the current. Do not use a wet or metal object. If possible, stand on something dry and that doesn’t conduct electricity, such as a rubber mat or folded newspapers. 4. Once the person is away from the source of electricity, check the person’s airway, breathing, and pulse. If either has stopped or seems dangerously slow or shallow, start first aid. (See: CPR) 5. If the person has a burn, remove any clothing that comes off easily, and rinse the burned area in cool running water until the pain subsides. Give first aid for burns. 6. If the person is faint, pale, or shows other signs of shock, lay him or her down, with the head slightly lower than the trunk of the body and the legs elevated, and cover him or her with a warm blanket or a coat. 7. Stay with the person until medical help arrives. 8. Electrical injury is frequently associated with explosions or falls that can cause additional severe injuries. You may not be able to notice all of them. Do not move the person’s head or neck if the spine may be injured. Stay at least 20 feet away from a person who is being electrocuted by high-voltage electrical current (such as power lines) until the power is turned off. Do NOT touch the person with your bare hands if they are still in contact with the source of electricity Do NOT apply ice, butter, ointments, medications, fluffy cotton dressings, or adhesive bandages to a burn Do NOT remove dead skin or break blisters if the person has been burned After the power is shut off, do NOT move the person unless there is a risk of fire or explosion Burns and Scalds. Superficial burns Superficial burns only affect the surface of your skin (epidermis). Your skin will be red and painful, but not blistered. Mild sunburn is an example of a superficial burn. Partial-thickness burns Partial-thickness burns are deeper burns that damage your epidermis and dermis to varying degrees. If the damage to your dermis is shallow, your skin may be pale pink and painful, with blisters. Deeper burns to your dermis will cause your skin to become dry or moist, blotchy and red. Deep partial-thickness burns may or may not be painful and they may blister. Full-thickness burns All layers of your skin are damaged by full-thickness burns. Your skin will look white, brown or black and dry, leathery or waxy. Because the nerves in your skin are destroyed with full-thickness burns, you won’t feel any pain or have blisters. Symptoms vary depending on the severity of your burn. They include: changes in your skin colour – burns can cause your skin to look pink, red, white, brown or black blisters pain in the burnt area Symptoms of a burn to your airway include: burned nostril hairs a change in your voice (it may sound hoarse) a sore throat wheezing Treatment for burns depends on their severity. You can treat superficial and minor partial-thickness burns that are caused by heat yourself at home. However, seek urgent medical help from your GP or an accident and emergency department in a hospital for: all deep partial-thickness and full-thickness burns all chemical and electrical burns superficial and partial-thickness burns that cover an area larger than the palm of your hand burns that cover a joint or are on your face, hands, feet or groin all burns that extend completely around a limb all burns where you may have inhaled smoke Also seek medical help for advice if you’re not sure about the extent of a burn or how to deal with it. For burns caused by chemicals, if possible look at the advice on the label of the chemical product. For full-thickness burns or burns that are caused by chemicals or electricity, it’s important that you start cooling the burn immediately under cool or tepid water (unless instructed otherwise on the chemical product) and then call for emergency help. While you’re waiting, there are a number of important things you can do. For burns caused by heat, keep cooling the burn with cool or tepid water for between 10 and 30 minutes or until medical help is available. Don’t use iced water. Carefully remove any restrictive clothing or jewellery that isn’t stuck to the burn. Next, cover the burn using cling film – layer this on to the burn rather than wrapping it around a limb, for example. If you have a burn on your hand, use a clean, clear plastic bag . Don’t use wet dressings or creams. For burns caused by chemicals, keep cooling the burn with cool or tepid water for at least 20 minutes and remove any affected clothing (wear gloves if possible). Don’t try to neutralise the chemical with another chemical. Facial Burns. Facial burns will need to be treated differently depending on the degree of the burn. First-degree burns only penetrate into the epidermis and cause redness and swelling. Second-degree burns penetrate the hypodermis and cause redness, blotching, and blistering. Third degree burns penetrate all layers of skin and cause areas of blackening. A third-degree burn needs to be treated with emergency medical care. Treatment for a minor facial burn would include holding a cold compress to the burn for 10 to 15 minutes. After cooling, lotion should be applied. Cover with a sterile gauze bandage. Don’t pop blisters and if they pop on their own, wash them gently with soap and water, and apply an antibiotic ointment under the sterile gauze. If the patient has been accidentally exposed to fire or heated gases, damage may occur to the mouth and airway. There may be signs of burning around the lips, nose, mouth, eyebrows or lashes. A dry cough or hoarse voice is an early sign of airway injury and prompt medical care is essential. How you can help 1. Remove the patient to a safe area If in a closed area, and if safe for the first aider, it is vital to remove the patient to a place free of the risk of further injury and preferably into fresh air. 2. Cool the injury If smoke or toxic gases may have been inhaled – including carbon monoxide from a vehicle exhaust, chlorine, ammonia or hydrochloric acid – remove the patient from any enclosed or restricted area into an open area; pour running water over the burn for 20 minutes. If there is any breathing difficulties allow the patient to find the position enabling easy breathing with the head and chest raised. After an inhalation incident the patient may suffer from a severe lack of oxygen due to internal damage to the throat, upper airway and lungs. Call 999 for an ambulance. Poisoning. Poisoning is when a person is exposed to a substance that can damage their health or put their life in danger. There are many ways in which poison can enter the body: Through the mouth. Breathing them through the nose. Through your eyes. Through skin contact. From an insect or animal bite or sting. The symptoms of poisoning will depend on the type of poison and the amount taken in, the age and weight and size of the individual, but general things to look out for include: vomiting stomach pains high temperature drowsiness and fainting fits Dizziness, weakness. Fever or chills. Headache/confusion. If a child suddenly develops such symptoms, they may have been poisoned, especially if they are drowsy and confused. Being poisoned can be life-threatening. Giving appropriate first aid, as described below, can help minimise the harm to the person who is poisoned. For simplicity, we have referred to the person (casualty) in the male gender throughout. First, assess the situation and the risk you’re in – don’t put yourself in danger. If you think someone has swallowed, injected or inhaled a poison, or taken a drug overdose and appears to be unconscious, try to rouse him. If the person responds, you shouldn’t move him. Instead, try to find out what’s wrong, make sure his airway is open and that he can breathe comfortably and you can monitor his condition. Call for emergency help or preferably get someone to call for you. If he is unresponsive, you should first shout for help and then open the airway by tilting his head back and lifting his chin. If it ’s possible to leave him in the same position to open his airway then do so. However, if it isn’t, turn him onto his back and then open his airway. Ask someone to phone for an ambulance, and if necessary the fire brigade. If you’re on your own, you should do this yourself. Be ready to give as much of the following information as you can to the paramedics and/or the doctor or nurse at the hospital. The name of what was swallowed injected or inhaled if you know it. If possible, keep the container and make a note of how much has been taken. The estimated time that the poison was taken or used. Whether or not the person has vomited. Whether you think it was accidental or deliberate. Whether the person has any chronic illnesses (e.g., heart disease) or takes any medicines (if you know). If the person is unconscious and breathing normally, you should put him into the recovery position. Check his breathing regularly until help arrives. If the person is unconscious and isn’t breathing normally, you should perform emergency resuscitation (CPR), but only if you know how. If you think the poison was swallowed, use the mouth-to-nose method, or preferably, use a pocket mask or face shield for rescue breathing. This way, you avoid any contact with traces of poison or vomit that might remain around the person’s mouth or nose. If you think the person has inhaled poisonous fumes, don’t expose yourself to the person’s breath and use chest compressions only. You should continue at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute. Don’t stop unless the person begins breathing normally, shows signs of regaining consciousness, such as coughing or their opening eyes, or qualified help arrives. If the person has pills, fluids or any substance in his mouth, try to get him to spit them out. You can give them to the hospital staff to help identify the cause of poisoning. Don’t try to make the person sick as vomiting can cause even more damage. If the person has been sick, collect a sample of the vomit to take to hospital. This may help staff identify the poison. Everyone should learn basic first aid techniques. You never know when you might need them – you could be at home, at work, at school or on holiday. Whether it’s a minor situation or something more serious, first aid knowledge will give you the confidence to act. You could be the difference between life and death. Deal with every day cuts and scrapes and nosebleeds. First aid advice is also available for asthma, fractures, sunburn, poisons, low blood sugar and more. Heart and circulatory disease is the UK’s biggest killer. Learn how to recognise and treat heart attacks and shock. You can purchase a number of first aid books/manuals which will help and give you knowledge on how to deal with first aid emergencies, some of these manuals are: The most common first aid manuals which people will recognise are those from the British Red Cross, or St Johns Ambulance as these are well known UK organisations. The National Poisons Information Service is the service to which frontline NHS staff turn for advice on the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients who have been – or may have been – poisoned, either by accident or intentionally. NPIS provides essential support for NHS healthcare professionals, assisting them in ensuring optimal care for patients in cases of serious poisoning, and, where toxicity is low, offering advice to minimise unnecessary hospital attendances and admissions. NPIS is funded mainly through ‘Government Grant in Aid’ from the UK Health Departments, some contract income and some research income. In an emergency, members of the public should always contact their general practitioners, NHS 24 or NHS Direct or local A&E department. If the patient has collapsed or is not breathing properly, call 999. The NPIS does not provide poisons information directly to members of the public – so, for routine poisons advice you should contact your general practitioner or telephone NHS Direct The National Poisons Information Service does not accept enquiries from the public but supports NHS Direct and NHS 24 to answer such queries. If you suspect Carbon Monoxide poisoning or a gas leak you must leave the affected area immediately and report it as a matter of urgency to the National Grid on 0800 111 999. Pharmacies. Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines. It is a health profession that links the health sciences with the chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. The scope of pharmacy practice includes more traditional roles such as compounding and dispensing medications, and it also includes more modern services related to health care, including clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and efficacy, and providing drug information. Pharmacists, therefore, are the experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who optimize use of medication for the benefit of the patients. Bites and Stings. Insect bites and stings are quite different attacks on our skin. Stings result when an insect is protecting itself when it feels threatened. Other than the initial pain of the attack, the sting can cause varying degrees of allergic reaction. A bite is a deliberate attack by the insect in order to feed from our blood. After the initial bite, the insect injects its saliva into the wound to allow the blood to flow and for the insect to feed. A reaction to the insect’s saliva causes the bite to become red and swollen and to make it itch. There are many insects that live in the UK that bite or sting to feed or protect themselves. Stingers include wasps, bees, hornets and ants. Biters include mosquitoes, midges, sand flies, horse flies and ticks. It is very rare to catch diseases from insect bites and stings in the UK but it is possible. For example if bitten by a tick when walking in fields where deer have been, the person may catch Lyme disease, a serious infection caused by ba cteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) spread by ticks. Abroad, in places such as Africa, Asia and South America there are a number of diseases that can be caught through insect bites such as malaria, yellow fever, Dengue fever, and West Nile disease. When stung by an insect a baby or infant feels immediate pain, causing her or him to cry. You will recognise this cry as being different from crying associated with hunger or tiredness and should check the child to find the cause. Look at exposed areas of skin, if the baby or infant has been stung, the area around the sting will swell and redden, later it may blister and produce an itchy rash. If the baby or infant has been bitten it may take several minutes for the bite to become itchy and swell into a lump or redden. In the case of midges when they attack in swarms there may be several areas where they have successfully attacked. These areas become hot and itchy and can remain so for several days. Some children are particularly sensitive to insect bites and stings and will suffer a severe allergic reaction resulting in dizziness, fainting, breathing difficulties, rash, raised pulse, sickness, or a swollen mouth and face. In very severe cases the victim may even collapse and die. This severe reaction is called anaphylactic shock. There are precautions you can take to avoid a baby or infant being stung or bitten by insects. Stings in the mouth or on the face and hands commonly occur in babies and infants when wasps, attracted by the sweet smell of drinks, ice cream, lollipops and sweets, are accidentally touched when eating or drinking. Keep an eye on children when eating or drinking outdoors, if you see a wasp on or near a child, don’t aggravate the insect by flapping around, react calmly and simply brush it away. If you are being bitten by insects when outdoors, it is likely that the children are being bitten too. Be aware of this and try to cover as much of the child’s skin as possible with long trousers and tops with long sleeves. If in a pram or buggy, use an insect net to protect children particularly if she or he is asleep. Avoid areas such as ponds where mosquitoes, midges and horse flies commonly occur. When travelling abroad, cover the cot with a mosquito net, close all doors and windows at night and spray rooms with an insecticide or use electric vapour producing mosquito killers. Insect repellents containing low concentrations of DEET or icaridin can be used on infants over 2 years of age. They should not be used on babies in case the ingredients come in contact with their eyes or lips. Even when applied correctly, it is possible that a baby will rub its eyes or suck its fingers, allowing the repellents to be absorbed. If an infant has been playing or walking in fields where deer may have been, inspect the child’s legs and arms closely for ticks; small brown spider-like insects attached to the skin. If present, get hold of the tick with a pair if tweezers and gently lift away from the skin without twisting. As soon as you notice a child may have been stung by a bee, remove the sting and the venomous sac if it has been left in the skin. Do this by scraping it out, either with your fingernails or using something with a hard edge, such as a bank card. When removing the sting, be careful not to spread the venom further under their skin and do not puncture the venomous sac. Do not pinch the sting out with your fingers or a pair of tweezers because you may spread the venom. If a child has been stung, an adult should remove the sting. Wasps and hornets do not usually leave the sting behind, so could sting you again. If you have been stung and the wasp or hornet is still in the area, walk away calmly to avoid being stung again. Most insect bites and stings cause itching and swelling that usually clears up within several hours. Minor bites and stings can be treated by: washing the affected area with soap and water placing a cold compress (a flannel or cloth cooled with cold water) over the affected area to reduce swelling not scratching the area because it can become infected (keep children’s fingernails short and clean) See your GP if the redness and itching gets worse or does not clear up after a few days. If they have swelling or itching anywhere else on their body after being bitten or stung, or if they are wheezing or have difficulty swallowing, they will need emergency medical treatment. Call 999 immediately and ask for an ambulance. Throughout the treatment of this it’s vital to reassure and help keep the child calm. Remember in the event of injury or sudden illness, failure to provide first aid could result in a casualty’s death.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Purpose of Titers Essay examples
Purpose of Titers Essay examples Purpose of Titers Essay examples What does the antibody titer tell us about the immune status of a person? The titers tell us whether or not a particular microbe is detected in a sample. Thus, whether a person has come in contact with it before or not. The book puts it this way, "The mere presence of antibodies does not necessarily indicate that the patient has a disease but only that he or she has possibly had contact with a microbe or its antigens through infection or vaccination. In screening tests for determining a patient’s history (rubella, for instance), knowing that a certain titer of antibodies is present can be significant, because it shows that the person has some protection against that infectious agent. When the test is being used to diagnose ongoing infection or disease, however, it is necessary to show a rising titer of antibodies. The accompanying figure indicates how such a test can be used to diagnose patients who have nonspecific symptoms that could fit several diseases. Lyme disease, for instance, can be mistaken for arthritis or viral infections." This is a goo d summary in that it clearly illustrates that not always does an antibody titer mean that a person is immune to a particular microbe. In fact the book goes on to say that there "are results in which a patient’s serum shows a positive reaction even though, in reality, he is not or has not been infected by the microbe. False positives, such as those in syphilis and HIV testing, arise when antibodies or other substances pres- ent
Monday, October 21, 2019
Untold Pain essays
Untold Pain essays Doodling on a piece of paper while my back was up against the hard surface of my dresser, I sat there listening to a story I will never forget. My father had been acting strange lately, and looking back at it all, it was as if he knew that he had cancer and that all of our lives were about to take a huge u-turn. Talking to my dad was fairly unusual, especially on the phone. He was always busy with his own life, after all it is tough to juggle several girlfriends, businesses and children. Although everyone saw him as a young man, the truth was that he was already seventy-three years old, and his birthday was coming up soon again. It was highly unusual for a man that old to have a daughter still in high school, but then again, my father hadnt planned on getting one of his girlfriends pregnant eighteen years ago. The owner of a six bedroom, three bathroom, four car garage home, along with a few vacation houses and piles of apartments, buildings and offices, it seemed that my dad was pretty fulfilled. He never told many stories of when he was younger, and the few he did tell, he just recycled and told to the next group of people. Known for being a charismatic intellectual, not only did he have all the friends he wanted, but they all highly respected him. The thing that you could always guarantee on, was my father He was generally easy to read, and told you exactly what he wanted and how to do it. Only, I would never have guessed he had a secret buried inside that short exterior. I was leaning up against the wall chit-chatting with my father because I hadnt stopped by in over a month, and felt bad that I hadnt kept in-touch better with him. We were going through the usual unmeaningful conversation topics when out of nowhere my father said, its amazing how one can go through their whole life and still think about someone from years ago. And then over the next half hour or so the most amazing story ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Niobium (Columbium) Chemical and Physical Properties
Niobium (Columbium) Chemical and Physical Properties Niobium, like tantalum, can act as an electrolytic valve allowing alternating current to pass in only one direction through an electrolytic cell. Niobium is used in arc-welding rods for stabilized grades of stainless steel. It is also used in advanced airframe systems. Superconductive magnets are made with Nb-Zr wire, which retains superconductivity in strong magnetic fields. Niobium is used in lamp filaments and to make jewelry. It is capable of being colored by an electrolytic process. Niobium (Columbium) Basic Facts Atomic Number: 41Symbol: Nb (Cb)Atomic Weight: 92.90638Discovery: Charles Hatchet 1801 (England)Electron Configuration: [Kr] 5s1 4d4 Word Origin: Greek mythology: Niobe, daughter of Tantalus, as niobium is often associated with tantalum. Formerly known as Columbium, from Columbia, America, the original source of niobium ore. Many metallurgists, metal societies, and commercial producers still use the name Columbium. Isotopes: 18 isotopes of niobium are known. Properties: Platinum-white with a bright metallic luster, although niobium takes on a bluish cast when exposed to air at room temperatures for a long time. Niobium is ductile, malleable, and highly resistant to corrosion. Niobium does not naturally occur in the free state; it is usually found with tantalum. Element Classification: Transition Metal Niobium (Columbium) Physical Data Density (g/cc): 8.57Melting Point (K): 2741Boiling Point (K): 5015Appearance: shiny white, soft, ductile metalAtomic Radius (pm): 146Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 10.8Covalent Radius (pm): 134Ionic Radius: 69 (5e)Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.268Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 26.8Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 680Debye Temperature (K): 275.00Pauling Negativity Number: 1.6First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 663.6Oxidation States: 5, 3Lattice Structure: Body-Centered CubicLattice Constant (Ã…): 3.300 Sources Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001)Crescent Chemical Company (2001)Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952)CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Advertising Analyse an advertising campaign for any product or Coursework
Advertising Analyse an advertising campaign for any product or services - Coursework Example any was able to cut a niche in the market since it is molded in the counterculture phenomenon and it is characterized by innovative and revolutionary practices that has shaped its uniqueness, successes, strategies, products identity, and above all, its failures (Gallo, 2013). In 1990’s the failures of Apple’s strategies and brand loyalty was fast deteriorating. The company had lost millions in profits and jobs had been lost as the company tried to cut spending on personnel. Their popularity had further been worsened by their previous advertisement campaign which was perceived by the market to be way below their expectations. Furthermore, there was no single practical strategy that was working for the company at that time given that even their technological advancement was not ahead of other technological companies. Steve Jobs, the cofounder of Apple, returned to the company in 1997, displeased at the rate in which the company was sinking in his absence. Under his leadership, a new advertisement campaign was devised to restore the glory of the company, restore its market share and encroach into new markets for the personal computers. In the technological industry, especially where electronics are concerned, consumers were no longer interested in the basic features or acquiring products that everyone else has. Consumers wanted high quality products that are differentiated to define, not only what they say, but also to be the brand that defines what they drive, what they wear and what they possess. They wanted technological products that fit their lifestyles and add to the psychological meaning of what they possess already. Apple’s products gave the consumers products that had the potential to define their lives and needed an advertisement campaign that reminded them that (Yeshin, 2006). Apple’s Think Different campaign was pioneered by Jobs in an attempt to restore the counter-culture brand image that the company had lost. The transformational shift of the
Social research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Social research methods - Essay Example A â€Å"survey†can be anything from a short paper-and-pencil feedback form to an intensive one-on-one in-depth interview (Firebaugh, 2008). From the foregoing explanation, it becomes necessary to explain the reasons behind the selection of the survey design used in this exploration. Firstly, social research aims at finding social patterns of regularity in social life and usually deals with social groups (Halsey, 2004) but not with individuals per se. Since this exploration is social in nature, it was necessary for the researcher to conduct the said study using a survey. This report presents the conduction of a social research using a questionnaire to collect views on â€Å"racism in UK†. The author has divided the report into various sections discussed hereunder. Background to the study area Racism is an ideology that preaches the inferiority of one race to another. It justifies discrimination and in its extreme form, violence towards and murder of people because of th eir skin colour. Bowling and Phillips (2002) believe that these ideas haven’t been in existence, nor are people born racist but these ideas have been created and spread for specific purposes and in a conscious way. Racism is used by those who wish to sustain this oppressive society in order to divide and rule the working class. It is the views of proponents of peace to continually oppose all forms of racism and unite people from all walks of life in the fight against the real enemy of racism (Adamson and Cole, 2006; Chau and Yu, 2001). Based on this revelation, the current author fully commends the sensitization of members of pressure groups to join hands in the fight against racism. Some facts about racism have been laid bare in the face of the world by a number of earlier studies in this area. Cole (2008) for instance claims that racism comes in a number of ways; whether through name calling, bullying or even actual physical attacks. Whichever form it takes, racism eventual ly tears away the social fabric that holds communities together (Garland and Rowe, 2001). As pointed out in a report by Cole (2008), racism cannot be tackled merely as a moral issue but as a multiplicity of concerns. Racist arguments are found to provide powerful explanations for the poverty and unemployment that many young people face in UK. These and many other lies and misconceptions about racism including the immigrants’ perceived responsibility for crime and the lack of jobs and decent housing for UK nationals forms the basis of this report. Similarly, many insinuations to the fact that immigrants have come to UK and taken plump jobs from the indigenous people have been branded ‘a racist lie’ (Bowling and Phillips, 2002). In fact, racist groups are reported to having claimed that it is possible to get rid of unemployment by stopping immigration and ‘sending foreigners back where they came from’ (Adamson and Cole, 2006; Cole, 2008). This opinion is negated by the fact that about 8.1% of the working population of UK is officially unemployed; only 5% of the total population is composed of immigrants (Chau and Yu, 2001). In the views of the current author, these insinuations are found to be very retrogressive and help fan the racism fire, a fact that must be fought at all cost. It is the essence of this report therefore to come up with
Friday, October 18, 2019
Is Entrepreneurship merely a special case of leadership Research Paper
Is Entrepreneurship merely a special case of leadership - Research Paper Example Not every entrepreneur is a leader and not every leader is necessarily an entrepreneur; as globalization draws together resources and business capabilities and turns innovation into the major source of competitive advantage in business, entrepreneurs and leaders must assume a new, different vision of business reality which brings both concepts together and creates a new entrepreneurial leadership paradigm. What is entrepreneurship? Who is an entrepreneur? These are the questions that stir the hearts and minds of researchers and business professionals. Different researchers provide different conceptualizations of entrepreneurship; the latter has already become a buzzword in present day organization studies. The meaning of entrepreneurship can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th century, when the French economist Jean-Baptist Say created the first feasible definition of entrepreneurship (Miller & Collier 81). According to Say, entrepreneur is the one who â€Å"shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield†(Miller & Collier 81). More specifically, entrepreneur is believed to be the one who manages resources in ways that create value and profit in conditions of risk and uncertainty (Miller & Collier 81). The nature of entrepreneurship is too elusive to have a single, universal definition. Nonetheless, entreprene urs can be described in terms of the so-called â€Å"big five†traits. These are â€Å"risk-taking propensity, need for achievement, need for autonomy, self-efficacy, and locus of control†(Vecchio 307-9).... The nature of entrepreneurship is too elusive to have a single, universal definition. Nonetheless, entrepreneurs can be described in terms of the so-called â€Å"big five†traits. These are â€Å"risk-taking propensity, need for achievement, need for autonomy, self-efficacy, and locus of control†(Vecchio 307-9). Entrepreneurs exhibit an unprecedented striving and willingness to take up risks (Vecchio 307). This risk-taking propensity is a distinctive feature of entrepreneurship. Unlike managers, entrepreneurs are inclined to identify and access business scenarios that offer greater incentives and opportunities for profitability and growth (Vecchio 307). They are more achievement-motivated than business owners and managers (Vecchio 308). Simultaneously, entrepreneurs naturally seek greater autonomy in their decisions; it is through autonomy that entrepreneurs exercise freedom of self-expression in business environments and enjoy better adaptability to changeable conditi ons of doing business (Vecchio 308). Entrepreneurs have the self-efficacy needed to exercise full control over business situations (Vecchio 308). They always possess locus of control which is integrally linked to self-efficacy (Vecchio 308). These and other features position entrepreneurship as a distinct and separate field of research and performance; yet, both in research and business activity entrepreneurship and leadership still go hand in hand. Yang defines leadership as the art of influencing others. Leadership is crucial to the future of business (1). Effective leaders exemplify a foundational predictor of profitability and growth in changeable business environments (Yang 1). An effective leader is a person who influences other
Nelson Mandela Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Nelson Mandela - Essay Example This essay would further revolve around these contributions done by Nelson Mandela (Guiloineau 2002) In 1961 a letter from Nelson Mandela stated â€Å"I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days†(Mandela 1990). This clearly showed that Nelson Mandela believed in freedom from his early life. He received a life imprisonment for the Rivonia trial in 1964 and was released in 1990. His contribution to his native country can be related back to his early life when he received education in times when most of the people in South Africa were uneducated. It was there in his college that he learned much about the political problems that South Africa was facing in those times. He then joined Congress and formed the Youth league along with his acquaintainces in 1944. The injustices against the black were increasing in South Africa as witnessed by Mandela in those times as the Whites were gaining more access to the country afterWorld War II. All these conditions made Mandela persuade the committee he formed to go on strikes and civil disobediences against the government for the betterment of the blacks. His struggles then continued which bore some fruit in those times but he was arrested in 1962 after he was found by police (Mandela 1990; Boehmer 2008). Mandela was detained for twenty seven years in prison and is known to be one of the longest imprisoned freedom activist in the history of the world. After his release from jail one could clearly see his growing influence on the people of South Africa when thousands of people came to greet him outside the jail. After being released from the jail he started his freedom movement again for the blacks of South Africa. He was the made the president of African National Congress again in 1991. It was after the death of a member of ANC that presidential elections were held again.The African National Congress won the presidential elections and Mandela was
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Female Songwriters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Female Songwriters - Essay Example With more efforts being instituted in closely examining the appeal of a particular musical composition through time, music enthusiasts aver that female songwriters of contemporary times use language in a distinctly different way from the majority of male songwriters. It is therefore the aim of the current essay to compare the song lyrics written by two female songwriters: Jewel and Sheryl Crow, with the songs written by two male songwriters: John Mayer and Jason Mraz. The songs written by the female songwriters, â€Å"Who Will Save Your Soul†by Jewel and â€Å"Strong Enough†by Sheryl Crow sends the message that the subject of salvation presented for reflection by being more aware of one’s personal actions and behavior. On the other hand, Sheryl Crow’s â€Å"Strong Enough†is directed to men being asked the question of being strong enough for women in times of struggles, challenges, and difficulties. There are similarities in mentioning religion an d reference to God but at the same time, there is a message that focuses on the eminent strength of women when times indicate the need to rely on their own. The songs written by male songwriters, â€Å"Your Body is a Wonderland†by John Mayer and â€Å"I Won’t Give Up†by Jason Mraz focus on the message being given or relayed to women.
Experience in Music Technology Personal Statement
Experience in Music Technology - Personal Statement Example The degree will help me to apply as a permanent faculty member in the College where I am teaching right now. Apart from this, it would further help me to take part in other graduating programs of music technology that will eventually help me in my teaching career. Music Technology is basically the art of producing music, it not only covers the entire process of getting an idea of delivering the completed product but it also focuses on the science of music. Music Technology gives you an experience of working with equipment like analog tape machines to the latest computer software and digital audio workstations. The first course I would like to discuss is Public Speaking that satisfied Oral Communication. The importance of this course cannot be neglected due to the fact that oral communication is an integral part of any type of learning. This course enhanced my communication skills to an extent that my pronunciation improved drastically and my day-to-day communication also improved. The greatest impact was on my vocabulary that increased emphatically. I always liked giving presentations in the class as it brought a lot of confidence in me. The next course I will reflect upon is English Composition 1 that satisfied Written Communication, this course as the previous one, helped me immensely. My writing skills were not very good before taking this course but after completing it, my written communication became fluent and grammatical mistakes almost vanished. Practicing essay writing helped me develop a good writing habit that would certainly help me in my teaching career. Now coming to the next course that is Ecology/Natural Resources that satisfied Natural Science. Learning about natural resources was a really good experience for me. I learned about the different energy resources of our country and how they are extracted. This was an exciting course and learning about other equipment other than related to music was always stimulating. The next course would be the Buddhist Religion that satisfied both Global Understanding and Non-U.S. History and Culture.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Female Songwriters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Female Songwriters - Essay Example With more efforts being instituted in closely examining the appeal of a particular musical composition through time, music enthusiasts aver that female songwriters of contemporary times use language in a distinctly different way from the majority of male songwriters. It is therefore the aim of the current essay to compare the song lyrics written by two female songwriters: Jewel and Sheryl Crow, with the songs written by two male songwriters: John Mayer and Jason Mraz. The songs written by the female songwriters, â€Å"Who Will Save Your Soul†by Jewel and â€Å"Strong Enough†by Sheryl Crow sends the message that the subject of salvation presented for reflection by being more aware of one’s personal actions and behavior. On the other hand, Sheryl Crow’s â€Å"Strong Enough†is directed to men being asked the question of being strong enough for women in times of struggles, challenges, and difficulties. There are similarities in mentioning religion an d reference to God but at the same time, there is a message that focuses on the eminent strength of women when times indicate the need to rely on their own. The songs written by male songwriters, â€Å"Your Body is a Wonderland†by John Mayer and â€Å"I Won’t Give Up†by Jason Mraz focus on the message being given or relayed to women.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Strategic change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic change - Essay Example In most cases, the problems associated with introduction of change appear at this point and need to be handled. These problems are varied and they include; individuals’ resistance to change, increased instability in the organization, increased stress levels, and energy among individuals that is not utilized. In addition, other problems include increased conflicts in the organization and loss of drive (Cole, 2004). Therefore, this clearly highlights the need for an organization to be fully equipped to foresee reactions and possible obstacles to the introduction of change. For change to be managed in an organization, it is important to have a wide knowledge of the type of change and the reasons for individual resistance. In this case, the type of change to be understood is strategic change. Even though individuals who are pushing for change have to be invariable regarding ends, they also need to be flexible concerning means. Hence, the need for them to fully understand different forms of change in existence. Strategic change involves organizational transformation. It focuses on issues that are categorized to be broad and long-term. It mainly consists of going towards a future position defined universally using vision and scope that is strategic (Armstrong 2006). It consists of organization purpose and mission. In addition, it covers organization’s corporate values on issues that include; growth and quality, innovation and various values regarding people. It also involves the needs of the customer that have been met and the technologies put in place. This definition brings about competitive positioning stipulations and goals that are strategic. Through strategic goals, an organization will be able to attain and sustain competitive advantage. In addition, it also helps on the growth of product-market. Strategic goals of an organization are held up by various policies that regard sales, marketing, manufacturing, administration of human resource, financ e and growth of product and process. Strategic change occurs in the framework of a background that is competitive externally and is economic and social (Frost, 2000). It also occurs in the internal resources of an organization, its capacities, customs, constitution and even systems. Hence, in the invention and planning phases, these aspects have to be fully examined and understood in order for the implementation process to be successful. An organization attainment of competitive advantage that is sustainable depends on various qualities. These are; the ability of an organization to recognize and to fully understand the competitive force in place and how they keep changing with time. Secondly, is the capability of an organization to assemble and control essential resources intended for a competitive reaction. Strategic change nonetheless, ought not to be perceived as a process that is linear, where an organization simply plans and moves from one point to another. It is not possible t o plan and carry out as series of procedures that are rational (Pettigrew and Whipp 1991). Woodward (1968) asserts that when change is introduced in an organization most individuals resist it. This is because most people perceive change as being a threat to th
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