Thursday, August 27, 2020
Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Free Essays
Jamaal Jones III is a solid, fit competitor who was been drafted to the New York Giants fourteen days back. In the wake of going to various practices and instructional courses, Jamaal has earned a beginning situation as a wide beneficiary. He is 6’2 and 200lbs of unadulterated muscle prepared to run over any restricting cornerback. We will compose a custom paper test on Various Sclerosis Case Study or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Jamaal Jones is siphoned up; His first game is against the Philadelphia Eagles. Every one of his fans are hanging tight for him, the climate is incredible (65 degrees), and his family is watching him at the front seat. Everything was going as arranged until something occurred. He walked out onto the field to the cheers originating from the stands when he lost his parity, stumbled and fell. He felt his eyes move back to the rear of his head dimness gradually infringing upon his cognizance. He didn't feel anything, only a desensitizing sensation as he shook, flailed uncontrollably and grabbed for the nearest support. The arena stood quieted as the scene unfurled before them, a couple of cots was brought out onto the field to convey Jamaal to the closest emergency clinic. The crisis room worked with enthusiasm attempting to preclude however many conditions as could reasonably be expected, playing out a lumbar cut and a MRI on his cerebrum. From these test the specialists had affirmed what they had at first trusted Jamaal had indicated side effects of. As the specialists went into the room Jamaal was lost in his own reality longing for his granddad, Jamaal Jones Sr. what's more, how they would play football all together. Jamaal rises and shines from his daze by the abrupt interruption in his room; he can see the anguish and exhaustion on his parent’s faces. He looks on as the specialist allures his folks to leave the room. The specialist tells his folks â€Å"Your child has various sclerosis. MS is an illness that influences the cerebrum and spinal string bringing about loss of muscle control, vision, parity, and sensation. †The guardians asked, â€Å"Is there a solution for MS? †The specialist lets them know â€Å"No, we can just treat the side effects which gives momentary alleviation. Any long haul â€Å"cure†for this malady has not been found. Jamaal’s mother asked the specialist how Jamaal could have procured such an infection yet the specialist couldn't give and answer. With incredible distress in his voice the specialist discloses to Jamaal’s guardians â€Å"Unfortunately, this ailment is changeless and we can't effectively fix him. I am heartbroken. †Having been determined to have MS, Jamaal turned into an incredible promoter for MS mindfulness, sorting out occasions through his pre vious group, the New York Giants, to advance his motivation. Step by step instructions to refer to Multiple Sclerosis Case Study, Free Case study tests
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Deaf Blindness Essay Example
Hard of hearing Blindness Essay A great many people expect that a hard of hearing visually impaired child is individual who is non ready to hear or see. Our country’s specific instructive statute characterizes hard of hearing visual deficiency as the mix of the visual and hearing debilitation ( Deaf Blindness ) . These two harms cause the person to lose their conveying achievements. formative and instructive requests. The National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness sees that the cardinal quality of hard of hearing visual impairment is that the blend of losingss limits dish to sound-related and visual data ( Deaf Blindness ) . Through this exploration I had the option to distinguish the start of hard of hearing blindness and research about this disablement. Laura Bridgaman was the primary person who was a single with hard of hearing blindness who learned language ( Deaf Blind Education: History ) . She entered the England Asylum for the Blind in 1837 to get down obtaining. Since that twelvemonth in United States there were plans and administrations for understudies who are hard of hearing visually impaired. Instruction for the hard of hearing visually impaired turned out to be a greater amount of import every twelvemonth. Government began to flexibly more possibilities for the hard of hearing visually impaired children. ( Deaf Blind Education: History ) . The vast majority of the clasp when we state hard of hearing visually impaired the name that goes to our head is Helen Keller . She is the most known hard of hearing visually impaired individual in the history. A school for the hard of hearing visually impaired was non ever simple to develop. Keller needed to go to the school exclusively for hard of hearing and visually impaired. She w ent to the Perkins Institute for the Blind and the Wright-Humanson school for the hard of hearing in New York. what's more, The Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Massachusetts. We will compose a custom paper test on Deaf Blindness explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Deaf Blindness explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Deaf Blindness explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Hard of hearing Blind schools were begun to set up after the distribute of Florida School for the Deaf and Blind in 1885. This school was an all inclusive school bolstered by the region ( Deaf Blind Education ) . During the 1960s Rubella Epidemic was taken topographic point. Since the Epidemic ; history and the guidance of hard of hearing visually impaired children have changed. The strategies to help hard of hearing visually impaired were created in Netherlands and it impacted numerous individuals. After that numerous fruitful methodological analysiss to learn hard of hearing visually impaired people have expanded since the clasp of the Rubella emission. The coactions and sharing of cognizance of numerous states other than assisted with creating and better possibilities for the people with hard of hearing visually impaired ( Deaf Blind/Disability Community History ) . There are more than 70 foundations for hard of hearing blindness. Some of them are Usher condition. Cytomegalovirus. entanglements because of rashness and horrible caput harms. The majority of the clasp kids with hard of hearing blindness may hold an additional test like subjective holds or some other clinical status. Be that as it may. just a little for each centum of children who are hard of hearing visually impaired are with no sight or hearing. The greater part of the children have some sort of vision or potentially hearing that is utile ( Bekker ) . Everybody realizes that there are five detects that are of import. Among these faculties the 2 the greater part of import faculties are hearing and Vision. These two detects assist us with collecting data. This other than causes us to break down better. 80 % of what we realize is outwardly. That incorporates seeing the notes and viewing an educational picture. Hearing is the balance of the imparting or phonetic correspondence framework that the vast majority use ( R. M. Turnbull. what's more, M. L ) . In school we tune in to our educators to larn more data and to improve in scholarly. At the point when these two significant faculties are debilitated or lost. an individual will hold to battle in a few nations and this will other than sway a child’s advancements. A hard of hearing visually impaired understudy will hold inconveniences in correspondence/phonetic correspondence advancement. movement or engine improvement. subjective and passionate or cultural turn of events. natural structure picture and sense of self develop. All the more essentially a child will hold inconveniences in securing ( R. M. Turnbull. furthermore, M. L ) . Specialists concur that family unit be aftering techniques can do hard of hearing blindness. During incubation a grown-up females may hold diseases. These diseases can other than do hard of hearing blindness. Rubella. the vaccinum can non be utilized all the clasp to prevent hard of hearing blindness ( Bekker ) . In any case. on the off chance that a grown-up female takes this vaccinum before pregnancy being a hard of hearing visually impaired can be forestalled. This vaccinum ought to non be utilized by a pregnant grown-up female. In the wake of taking this vaccinum the grown-up females who got should hold up in any event two months to go before gaining pregnant ( Bekker ) . All the children with hard of hearing blindness contrast from one another. They are isolated in their ain way. The whole of visual and audile misfortune fluctuates in all people. The centripetal info now and then gets harmed however for some different people it won’t gain harmed. The vision and hearing might be lost from birth yet for some others it takes cut lastly gets lost. Either or both losingss might be steady or prompt and may non be joined by the loss of other natural structure capacities ( Mcllnnes and Treffry ) . Hard of hearing visually impaired individuals will stand up to side effects that are joined. There will be indications dependent on loss of hearing and loss of vision. There are various kinds of conditions that may take to hard of hearing blindness. Friendly Rubella Syndrome and Usher Syndrome are basic conditions that lead a single to be a hard of hearing visually impaired. loss of a little vision and hearing is extremely basic among more seasoned individuals. It’s only a characteristic of maturing. This would seldom be able to take to be a hard of hearing visually impaired individual ( Schneider. O’Toole. also, Fletcher ) . In light of the measurements 45000 to 50000 individuals in US are hard of hearing visually impaired. As indicated by the 2007 National Deaf-Blind Child Count. more than 10. 000 are kids younger than 21? ( Deaf Blindness ) . The word hard of hearing Blindness is now and again misconstrued by individuals. They think it implies a person who can non hear or see by any means. In any case, this word truly portrays a person who has a little of both vision and hearing. Every person with this ailment may hold diverse entirety of misfortune in their vision and hearing ( Deaf Blindness ) . It is difficult to check the specific figure of hard of hearing visually impaired individuals in United States since it fluctuates broadly from one individual or authority. The figure adults who are hard of hearing visually impaired are around 35000-40000 in populace ( Harrington ) . Today there are numerous advanced engineerings that help hard of hearing unsighted people to hold a superior comprehension and a superior life. The assistive building that was made for outwardly disabled can other than be utilized by the hard of hearing visually impaired students. Assistive engineerings like registering machine renditions. adaptative gadgets and media transmission gadgets are extremely useful for hard of hearing visually impaired individuals ( R. M Turnbull. furthermore, M. L ) . Early intervention administration is set up for youthful children who are 3 mature ages old or younger than 3. These administrations are significant for kids with hard of hearing and blindness and their family units. They address the child’s formative and requests of obtaining. Once in a while these administrations are for nothing out of pocket. Kids with hard of hearing visual impairment who are 4 mature ages old or more seasoned ought to change to the Particular Education Services f rom the Early Intervention Service. This administration is without given through the state funded educational system. Regardless of whether a child with hard of hearing visual impairment is non in school yet ( for delineation. a four-year-old ) . the educational system is as yet answerable for doing sure that specific guidance and related administrations are accessible to the youngster ( Deaf Blindness ) . Hard of hearing Blindness can be forestalled by taking early defends. People groups ought to be increasingly perceptive of this illness. Kids who are 12-multi month old can be kept from hard of hearing visual deficiency by taking the vaccinum called Rubella. A third vaccinum known as Measles mumps-rubella ( MMR ) is given when the child is 3 mature ages old. These vaccinums are really of import to provide for the children. This can thwart future loss of vision and hearing. A large portion of the individuals in our present society are non perceptive of hard of hearing blindness ( Bekker ) . In our general public children with disablements are non rewarded the correct way. The greater part of the children who have both visual and audile incapacities are thought to be profoundly hindered. Guardians of these children face this situation in any case. A few guardians battle for their youngster due to the inadequacy of help. Guardians who don’t have sufficient cash to deal with their child battle the most. A few guardians adapt to the situation however some others can't deal with the situation and they might be holding a chest interference. Guardians ought to stay solid and look for proficient help. They should give their child legitimate consideration. A parent’s feeling for their hard of hearing visually impaired child is non interpretable through words ( Mcllnnes and Treffry ) . Through this examination I had the option to investigate about hard of hearing blindness. a disablement which I had no data about. In any case, presently I know various kinds of data about hard of hearing blindness. 85 % of individuals don’t cognize what hard of hearing blindness is or how it causes. Hence it is of import to raise an open cognizance about hard of hearing blindness in our general public.
The Five Pillars of Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Five Pillars of - Essay Example ncerely presenting the Muslim calling of confidence, Salat: performing ceremonial supplications in the best possible way multiple times every day, Zakat: paying an aid (or noble cause) duty to profit poor people and the destitute, Sawm: fasting during the period of Ramadan, Hajj: journey to Mecca†. (, 2009) The principal column, Shahadah necessitates that Muslims present â€Å"There is no God yet Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger†(, 2009). This is a significant necessity, a break of which may add up to profanation and even heresy. This standard guarantees that an individual from the confidence totally and unequivocally submits himself to Allah and his emissary Prophet Muhammad. The Salat, the second mainstay of Islam is an approach to teach the psyche and body by offering supplications five times each day. The perfect occasions to play out these petitions are sunrise, noontime, late evening, after dusk and before 12 PM. This propensity is instilled into youngsters as youthful as seven years old, with the goal that they will proceed with it in their grown-up lives. Since Islam was established in the Middle-East, which is near the equator, the Salat composed a day into various parts. There is proof to propose that the Salat has been drilled by Muslims since the hour of Prophet Mohammad in seventh Century A.D. (Fareed, 2008, p.60) The third column, called the Zakat serves a social and financial capacity in that it guarantees that the submissive and the poor get their fundamental needs satisfied. Zakat serves a capacity, which in present day country states would be named a social government assistance system. What is amazing about this recognition is that it offers a reasonable answer for the issue of destitution among Islamic people group. The fourth column is the Sawm, which represents fasting. The most dedicated articulation of this mainstay of Islam is during the period of Ramadan. During this month, Muslims don't take food or drink of any sort during day time. They likewise go without smoking and sex. While all Muslims try
Friday, August 21, 2020
Strategic Management Of Etisalat Samples †
Question: Talk about the Strategic Management Of Etisalat. Answer: Presentation Etisalat is a global broadcast communications organization working in the Middle East nations, Asia and numerous African nations ( The organization has its home office in UAE. It positions on one of the highest media transmission organizations of the globe with incomes of around AED $2.4 billion and a benefit near AED $8.4 billion. Vision of the Business The vision of the business is to make a goal-oriented system to assist the business with growing and win immense benefits. Strategic the Business The mission of Etisalat is to improve and build up the propelled systems that will empower the administration clients of the organization to create, learn and develop. The organization does this by giving its clients the essential administrations and the innovations that empowers the individuals and the business all around the world to connect with one another and share their perspectives. Guiding principle of the Business The guiding principle of the business incorporate; Vitality The business has the expect to give a worth and sustain the vitality and the dynamic nature that is expected to pick up accomplishment in the business. Enablement The point of the referenced organization is to open up a scope of chances and to effectively enable the individuals to arrive at their objectives (Wheelen Hunger, 2017). The administration of the organization vows to convey all the guarantees that they have made. Open Nature The administration of the organization is mindful enough and comprehends the situation of their organization as one of the most top brands of Telecommunication. The administration is likewise inviting, agreeable and outrageous benevolent to the clients, its representatives and its providers. Investigation of the External Factors: PESTLE Analysis Political-The administration control in UAE over the organizations is one of the most significant factors behind the accomplishment of the business association. The accompanying association works in numerous different nations and along these lines it is compulsory for the association to adhere to the guidelines in such nations. Practical The trade rates, charge rates, buying power equality and the expansion pace of the accompanying region are key factors that decide the accomplishment of the business. Social-Etisalat Company has the plans to fulfill all the social guidelines and furnish the clients with high social ways of life. The organization guarantees that the clients are furnished with a very surprising degree of administration. Mechanical The referenced media transmission organization gives the cutting edge innovation to the administration clients. The innovation encourages the association to furnish the clients with simple correspondence, a decrease cost and a world-class administration (Eden Ackermann, 2013). Natural Etisalat needs to deal with the ecological factors so its activities portion not influences the earth. Lawful Each and each standard of the nation where the organization works is followed to guarantee the smooth progression of activities. Examination of the Internal Factors: SWOT Analysis Qualities Shortcomings Huge base of administration clients A global organization with nearness in a different scope of market Feeble business execution in a portion of the nations Association of the business needs quality OPPURTUNITIES Dangers Concentrating on the web of things and cloud Dispatch of Volte Services in UAE Colossal rivalry from different organizations Guidelines and arrangements and expenses included Setting up Long term Objectives The administration of Etisalat has the intend to be the biggest specialist co-op of the Middle East nations and Africa and improve new items and administrations to give the clients a high caliber of advanced media transmission administration (Wheelen Hunger, 2017). Rundown of Alternative Strategies The restricted assistance of Voice over Internet Protocol in UAE and the rise of Du had constrained Etisalat to push for new changes in the market and they have focused on other fringe business to make progress in the market. Yearly Objectives The destinations of the association is to effectively execute and keep up its 4G and Volte system and ensure that the association can offer a superior support to the clients. Approaches and Guidelines Etisalat saves all the rights to change the administrations of the web and the items every once in a while and no intercession from outside sources is endured. All the data gave to the clients are valid and authentic The workers must be straightforward and taught and the organization has the sole option to take choices if any issue emerges (Bettis et al. 2016) Assigning Resources The assets, for example, reserves, systems, links, specialized gadgets and web extras are given to the hierarchical offices by the administration. Building up Evaluation Measures The assessment proportions of the organization are helpful for the best possible observing of the tasks performed by the administration. Assessment of the administration assists with executing the assignments early and productively. Presentation Emirates Airlines is the biggest airplane organization of the Middle East and is one of the main organizations of the accompanying part on the planet ( The Airlines is an auxiliary of the Emirates gathering and has one of the biggest universal center in Dubai air terminal. Vision of the Business The vision of the business is to fabricate a solid and stable authority group and make goal-oriented arrangements for the development of the organization. Anyway the aspiring plans will be all around determined and will comprise of imaginative and earth shattering thoughts that will assume a significant job in the formative procedure. Crucial the Business The strategic the business is to turn into the biggest and the best carrier of the world in the coming years. The organization has likewise the mean to furnish its clients with a cutting edge administrations. Basic beliefs of the Business The administration of Emirates accepts that the morals followed by them are the columns to the achievement of the business. The organization thinks about every single of its worker and mulls over the earth and the networks in which they offer their types of assistance. Examination of the External Factors: PESTLE Analysis Political components The flight area in the Middle East is basically constrained by the administration and in this way legislative issues assume a significant job in its tasks Monetary components The financial factors straightforwardly influence the overall revenue of the business. The Government of UAE has furnished the organization with sufficient assets and venture through which the organization has expanded its armada size and the quantity of flying goals. Social Factors-Social variables incorporate the interest and taste of the individuals. The best framework and best in class offices have been useful for the referenced Airlines Company to gain acknowledgment from the clients. Mechanical elements The progression and development in innovation has been all around adjusted by Emirates. Emirates have coordinated a portion of things to come prepared advancements for the travelers who travel with them (Bettis et al. 2016). Lawful variables The Company adheres to each standard and guidelines of the nations from where it works. The guidelines and strategies help the administration to have an unmistakable and straightforward perspective on the dos and donts and in this way help to dodge any legitimate complexities. Ecological Factors-The significant worry of an aircraft organization with an enormous number of armadas is an extraordinary wellspring of natural worry for the association and in this way the administration has planned some natural neighborly procedures to address the atmosphere issues (Eden Ackermann, 2013). Investigation of the Internal Factors: SWOT Analysis Quality Shortcomings Brand Name and sponsorship Best in class foundation Significant expense of tickets Nonattendance from key gainful markets OPPURTUNITIES Dangers New Airport will assist them with extending Rise of Dubai as a business center point Etihad, Qatar aviation routes are solid contenders Center East emergency is a grave concern Setting up Long term Objectives The administration of Emirates Airlines has plans to fly an approx 70 million travelers in the year 2020. This comes as an extra arrangement as the organization has just intended to build up the current foundation to fulfill the regularly expanding need of the clients. Rundown of Alternative Strategies The referenced gathering plans to be the highest carrier of the world and help the a huge number of travelers from all around the globe to interface with Dubai. It expects to expand the measure of direct trips by anticipating Dubai as a key area. Yearly Objectives The yearly goals of the organization are to earn extra income for the association and increment the network with the various pieces of the world. The organization is in chats with the administration of various nations like Canada and Germany to begin new activities from beneficial goals.. Strategies and Guidelines Emirates have set up an away from of rules for the representatives to follow. The approaches spread all the necessary zones including lawful, wellbeing and security of the representatives. The rules of the association have plainly characterized the jobs of each representative inside the association. Apportioning Resources The assets are apportioned to the various divisions of the administration by thinking about various variables like; Adjusting the requirements of the general administration and the utilitarian administration. It is a lot of critical to concentrate on the basics of the association to make progress Building a component of trust Setting up Evaluation Measures The administration of the organization assigns a group involving a senior from the administration itself to perform and present a report on the estimation of assessment. The fundamental undertaking of the group is to break down the report and take essential activities. References Emirates Flights Book A Flight, Browse Our Flight
How to Write the Haverford Supplement 2019-2020 TKG
How to Write the Haverford Supplement 2019-2020 Haverford College is a small liberal arts college just outside of the city of Philadelphia. There are only 1353 students. But the student body size at Haverford isn’t what makes it unique and, we feel, exceptional. If Haverford is known for anything, it’s the Honor Code. Most colleges and universities have some form of an Honor Code that students have to sign at some point during their tenure. They all read about the same, too. Don’t cheat, don’t steal, don’t plagiarize, etc. All good things, but Haverford’s Honor Code makes those Honor Codes look like simpler organisms. The Haverford Honor Code is written and overseen by students. It is continuously evolving to fit the needs and desires of the student body, and it holds trust at its core. Unique aspects of the Haverford Honor Code include taking tests without proctors (aka teachers), being able to schedule your own exams, and an absence of Residential Advisors in dorms. This freedom doesn’t result in chaos. It’s trea sured, and the system that allows for it is taken very seriously. Remember this because it comes up in the supplement below. Haverford is a selective school with an 18.7% acceptance rate. They prioritize diversity in admissions, and 50% of applicants admitted for the class of 2022 were students of color. Given how well Haverford knows itself, it isn’t surprising that they have their supplement dialed in. This year, the supplement is the same as last year…and the year before. This means that they have seen 10,000 or so versions of these essays already. You’re not going to be able to reinvent the wheel, but you absolutely have to make yourself stand out by keeping yourself at the center of the story. Please give us a better sense of what you are looking for in your college experience by answering the following questions: 1. Tell us about a topic or issue that sparks your curiosity and gets you intellectually excited. How do you think the environment at Haverford, including th e framework of the Honor Code, would foster your continued intellectual growth? Please limit your response to 250 words.Before you start brainstorming your response to this question, you need to read the Honor Code. Haverford includes the Honor Code above their questions in the Common App, but it’s hard to read in that format. So, find it online, or copy-and-paste the Common App version into a Word document, and print it. Yes, print it. We love trees, too, but having it in front of you and in your hands is critical. Once you have a print copy, read through it, highlighting points that stand out to you as you go. Then, narrow down the highlighted sections to the two or three things that you feel most strongly about. Once you have those, you have the foundation of your supplement. The other half of this prompt is, of course, sharing something that excites you. Since this isn’t a purely academic question, we like to use it as a way to emphasize that your interest in your academic area of focus goes beyond potential future salary. For this supplement, you should share what sparks your curiosity through a story that takes place outside of the classroom. The story can, and should, be simple. If you are interested in English, it could be the first time you finished a crossword puzzle. If you’re interested in physics, it could be when you fell off a playground and broke your arm, thus sparking a passion for understanding gravity. Whatever it is, you will then have to build links between the story you are telling and the Honor Code. This should not be something you squeeze into two sentences at the end. Instead, identify the central themes of the Honor Code sections you chose and integrate those themes into the entire story. By doing this, you are laying a foundation for the end of your supplement, where you can explicitly relate the themes you’ve already set up to the existing Honor Code. 2. Please tell us what motivated you to apply to Haverford and what e xcites you most as you imagine your Haverford experience. Please limit your response to 150 words.This is Haverford’s version of a “why us?†The earlier supplement did connect to Haverford’s core, the Honor Code, but this one is more focused on your academic experience. It’s short, so we like to focus on three things in this order: academic subject, educational philosophy, and community. It’s critical that you state what you want to major in and why you feel Haverford is the place to pursue it. You only have 150 words, so include just one professor you would want to study under and one class that you would want to take. From there, explore Haverford’s educational philosophy, which emphasizes hands-on learning outside of the traditional classroom, and how that methodology would positively impact your collegiate experience. Finally, Haverford is proud of their community, make it clear that you would be equally proud to be part of it. If you’re interested in see past y our high school’s set college list, send us an email . There are dozens of exceptional schools, like Haverford, that we would love to help you discover.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Changing College Majors
Changing College Majors July 27 When many students (and particularly parents) first approach us, they so often tell us that they (or their children) are interested in majoring in such and such and in becoming a such and such. And thats all well and good but when students and parents start listing off colleges that have strong such and such programs, they often hear a sigh from us. This is because weve been doing this a very long time and we know that college students tend to change their intended majors every other Tuesday, depending on the weather. Or maybe depending on how well they slept the previous night. Some students change their majors every Tuesday. Parents should keep this in mind as their children apply to colleges (photo credit: Andreas Praefcke). To choose a college based on an intended major can often be shortsighted. Want to be a journalist? Then apply to Northwestern. Medill is, in our opinion, the top undergraduate journalism program in America. But what if you end up going to Medill only to realize that you want to major in physics? What if you end up going to Medill and you realize you have absolutely not the slightest interest in journalism? Well, its not too difficult to switch out of Medill within Northwestern, but we always encourage our students to consider the fact that they may seek to change their intended major every other Tuesday (or maybe every Tuesday and Thursday). And if theyre going to do this, they should strongly consider not limiting the colleges they wish to apply to based on the schools reputation for that major. The fact is that very few people know if Princeton has a better computer science department than Harvard, or vice versa. The fact is that everyones experience is different. Maybe the best computer science professor will be on maternity leave when a student would have otherwise taken her course. Maybe a professor may switch from Princeton to Emory. Who knows. The best course of action to take is to try to gain admission to the very best, most prestigious university that you can. And the rest will follow. Even if you change your major every Tuesday. Even if you changed your major while in the course of reading this blog. While youre here, you might want to check out our post about English majors.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Battling Nerves and Anxiety Over Presentations
Nearly everyone experiences nervousness when they perform in some way, whether in giving a speech, taking a test, offering a presentation, or teaching a class. Its something everybody deals with. But some people hide their nervousness more than others. Some people simply understand that nervousness is self-perpetuating. Here is an alarming little equation: Signs of Nervousness Leads to Increased Nervousness In other words, one sign of nervousness can cause other symptoms to pop up. To clarify this cruel little formula, just think back to a time when you were speaking in front of a group. If you noticed that your hands were shaking or your voice was cracking, you probably became distracted and unnerved by these signs. They probably embarrassed you and made you even more nervous, which made your heart beat faster. True? Theres good news: This formula also works in reverse. If you can prepare ahead of time to prevent and disguise the normal causes for nervousness, you can avoid a chain reaction of symptoms. Types of Fears That Cause Anxiety The best thing you can do is to over-prepare when youre facing an intimidating situation that makes you nervous. The number one cause for nerves is feeling inadequate about the topic. Fear of Looking Stupid: Whatever your topic may be, from phases of the moon to Internet safety, you must research it thoroughly. If you try to skimp or slide by with a little knowledge, youll start to feel insecure--and it will show. Prepare ahead and go way beyond the parameters of your specific topic. Find out all you can about the how and why of things, especially if you will be answering questions about your topic. Fear of Forgetting Information: When giving a speech, its normal to forget details if youre nervous, so you should take steps to avoid this. Make an outline of your topic or make several note cards to use as prompters. Practice with the note cards and re-make them if they confuse you in any way. Make sure you number any note cards so you can keep them in the right order. Fear of Freezing Up: You can avoid the appearance of freezing up during your presentation, discussion, or speech by having props on hand. These can include a drink of water, a notepad, or a visual aid. Anytime you feel like you might go blank, say Excuse me for a moment, and take a drink or pretend to jot something down. This will give you an extra moment to gather your thoughts. Its also a good idea to have one note card prepared that you can go to in a moment of panic. This card could contain a space filler like an anecdotal story that goes along with your topic. If you need to go to this panic card, you could simply say, You know, this reminds me of a story. After you complete your story you can say, Now where was I? and someone will tell you. Types of Symptoms That Increase Anxiety You can reduce some nervous symptoms by scoping out the room where youll be speaking or presenting. Find out if youll be standing still, sitting down, walking around, or using a microphone. Educate yourself as much as possible about your situation. It will give you a greater sense of control. Dry mouth: Prevent dry mouth by carrying a glass of water with you. Also avoid drinking carbonated drinks before you speak, since those tend to dry out your mouth.Shaky, nervous voice: The more you know your topic and the more confident you feel, the less trouble youll have with your voice. If you start to feel short of breath or shaky, just pause to consult your notes or take a sip of water. Breath slowly and give yourself a moment to re-group. It wont look odd to the audience.Rapid heartbeat: Its not a good idea to eat a big meal before an event. The combination of jittery nerves and a full stomach can create a strong heartbeat, which will make you feel short of breath. Instead, eat a small but healthy meal before you speak. More Tips for Battling Nerves Prepare transitional phrases ahead of time to help you flow from one idea to the next. If you dont have a good transition, you might get nervous as you struggle to change from one topic to another.Practice your speech, presentation, or argument out loud and in front of the mirror several times. This will help you fix any awkward segments.If you have a microphone, concentrate solely on it as you speak. This helps you block out the audience.Dont think about underwear. Some people suggest that you imagine your audience wearing underwear. You can do that if you really want to, but it might not prove very helpful. The real idea behind this trick is to think of your audience as ordinary people just like you. They are ordinary, and chances are, theyre all impressed at your courage and very supportive.Move around the room if you have the opportunity. This sometimes helps distract you from the eyes of your audience and it can make you look professional and in control.Start out your presentati on with a great quote or a funny line. For instance, a good line to use as an icebreaker is I just want you all to know that I am not picturing you in your underwear.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Women and Rebellion in Graphic Novels - 1478 Words
Though graphic novels are not recognized as literature by many literary critics, they have the distinction of communicating with pictures in a way that may not be possible with words alone. Themes that would be lost if they were merely sentences on a page are highlighted when set to a graphic novel’s illustration, and graphic novels can connect deeply with the reader through images of war and suffering, such as in the graphic novels Persepolis and Fables. Marjane Satrapi’s autobiography Persepolis takes place in Tehran, Iran during and after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, during which the people of Iran overthrew Mohammad Reza Pah-lavi, known simply as â€Å"the Shah.†The Islamic Regime was founded in its wake, and Marjane spent her early†¦show more content†¦She asserts her independence not with loud demonstrations, but with quiet and inconspicuous dress code violations. Satrapi explains her reasoning on page 302: The regime understood that one person leaving her house while [worrying about her wardrobe] no longer asks herself [about policies or human rights]. It’s only natural! Our fear paralyzes us.†¦ [It] has always been the driving force behind all dictators’ repression. Showing your hair and putting on makeup logically became acts of rebellion (panels 6-8). Rebelling against the government is important to Marjane because of her family history and her heritage. When she is young, Marjane’s father tells her grandfather was a Prince of Persia whose father was pushed out by the Shah’s father. Marjane’s grandfather then became a Communist and a rebel who was repeatedly thrown in jail for â€Å"defending some innocents†(291, panel 6). Later on, after the Revolution but before the formation of the Republic, Marjane meets her Uncle Anoosh, a former political prisoner and Communist . â€Å"Our family history must not be lost,†he tells her. â€Å"Even if it’s not easy for you, even if you don’t understand it all†(60, panel 7). He is soon arrested and executed by the Islamic Republic, but not before he waters the seed of rebellion in Marjane. This example of rebellion contrasts with Snow White’s tight grip on the authority she up-holds. She sees the Fabletown government as a fragile thing, explaining her thinkingShow MoreRelatedIslamic Revolution And The Iranian Revolution1433 Words  | 6 Pagessubject of the Iranian revolution in a graphic novel since this has been a subject of concern by different researchers but most of whom have not really covered any result in the graphic novel. One of the graphic memoirs is the Persepolis which was built by Darius the Great and which tries to depict the early life of Satrapi, who spent her childhood and later adolescent life in Iran during the revolution, which was a time full of political chaos and turmoil. The novel is used to show many themes such asRead MoreRebellion in Persepolis617 Words  | 3 PagesStory of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi is an autobiography graphic novel. The book is about a young girl named Marjane Satrapi growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. In the book, many stories and struggles are presented, such as the Islamic revolution, issues with school, the war between Iran and Iraq, and Satrapi’s struggle with growing up. The strongest theme from all of these situations in the novel is rebellion. Rebellion is constantly seen, in many different shapes and forms, allRead MoreMarjane Satrapi s The Iranian Revolution Of 1979 1317 Words  | 6 PagesOne result of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 was that women were forced by law to wear the compulsory hijab. At first, not many people took this seriously and many peaceful protests were organized. Eventually, women began to suffer at the hands of the government for refusing to submit. In this nov el, Marjane is an Iranian girl living during the turmoil of the Islamic Revolution and eventually the Iran-Iraq War. She is invested in the politics of her world even from a very young age, though herRead MorePersepolis : Life Changes During The Islamic Revolution Told Through The Eyes Of A Young Girl1185 Words  | 5 PagesThe novel â€Å"Persepolis†shows many life changes during the Islamic Revolution told through the eyes of a young girl. â€Å"Persepolis†was based on Satrapi’s childhood experience in Iran. Throughout the span of the 1970’s to the early 1980’s, Satrapi experiences many changes in her life, not only with the government, or her education, but also with herself. Although she witnessed many violent acts right in front of her eyes, these experiences helped Marji (Satrapi) grow as a young child. Soon after theRead MorePersepolis : The Story Of A Childhood1585 Words  | 7 PagesIn Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, a graphic novel authored by Marjane Satrapi in 2003, a door is opened to the revolutionary era of the 1970s in Iran. Through the eyes of a child traversing through childhood into adolescence, we see the raw realities and hypocrisies in the Shah’s regime and the succeeding Islamic Republic of Iran, following the revolution. Throughout her late childhood, Satrapi had dreamed of becoming a prophet. She was deeply religious, but as she studied the works of revolutionariesRead MoreMarjane Satrapi s Persepolis Story1487 Words  | 6 PagesMarjane Satrapi’s Persepolis tells the story of her life as a young girl in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. Satrapi’s story is told through an autobiographical graphic novel which is revolutionary because such stories are often told through more common mediums such as Television interviews and text ba sed novels; this difference helps to set Persepolis apart from other works about revolutionary Iran. The Persian people have been largely dehumanized by mass media in a post September 11th societyRead MoreA Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words2065 Words  | 9 Pages The graphic novel Nat Turner by Kyle Baker is a phenomenal way to depict the Nat Turner Rebellion. Graphic Novels have a way of bringing stories to life, the pictures help people relate and analyze; they say a picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes the inferred word’s connotations change depending on how the images are conveyed, this is overly true for Nat Turner. The idea of using a graphic novel to represent history is revolutionary. The only issue with making a graphic novel of historicalRead MoreMarjane Satrapi s Persepolis 1646 Words  | 7 Pages Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel Persepolis is an expressive memoir of her growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, the fall of the Shah’s regime and the Iran-Iraq War. Unlike conventional memoirs, she uses the black-and-white comic book form to find her identity through politics and her personal experiences in Iran and it has become effective and relevant in today’s society because she is a normal person that has had to live through extreme circumstances. Marjane has contributed to a wholeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Graphic Novel Persepolis1423 Words  | 6 PagesIn the nine years following the Iranian Revolution, the Iranian government executed over 30,000 people as a result of their values conflicting with the conservative Islamic ideals of the new regime (McTighe). The graphic novel Persepolis explores this change in government and the conflict-ridden road leading to it through the story of a young girl named Marjane and her family. It explores how the family’s Communist attitudes cause them to be willing to risk their lives speaking out for a change,Read MorePersepolis Analysis1528 Words  | 7 Pagescontinue to fight for justice and express their opinions. The graphic novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, explores a child’s perspective of the Iranian Revolution. Marjane sees the violence and lives through the terror of the Revolution, but she tries to fabricate the best out of the horrible situation. Throughout the book, the reader begins to see how children become involved in expressing their opinions. In Marjane Satrapis graphic novel Persepolis, the author explores Marjanes development from
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Current Issues Of Engineering Technology - 1288 Words
Pittsburg State University Department of Engineering Technology MET Program ETECH-805-01 Current Issues in Engineering Technology Professional Ethics Short Paper #1 - SP01 By NAVEEN BHASKARUNI ID # 0764021 Email: Phone: 620-704-9210 Submitted To Kailash Chandra Professional Ethics Introduction Professional ethics are the standards set by people in their professions. By setting standards in the form of professional ethics, people in their professions work together to uphold their positions and reputations. An organization expects theirs employees to represent them ethically as they are part of the organization. Policies are another type of standards or code of ethics set by the organization and everyone who is part of it is expected to constitute them. Professional ethics is also defined as what professional choose to do when they face a problem at work that involves a moral issue. . These ethics turn out to be the guiding principles for to make an individual well-disciplined and highly successful in his personal life which may include all of his family, friends, acquaintances, relatives etc. These are the specific set of moral principles that help a certain individual or an organization to develop their attitude and behavioural aspects that are most probably likeable by o thers. From the picture, highlighted part that shows the words moral principles are the most important words in professional ethics. Without moral principles,Show MoreRelatedThe Issues Of Gene Technology867 Words  | 4 PagesIssues of gene technology include inappropriate applications, religious issues, and what gives us the right to use such technology. The problems on society include disagreements among different groups of people based on views and opinions. There can economic problems when dealing with genetically modified foods. Legislation mainly focuses on HIPAA and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). They protect information and prohibit genetic discrimination in health insurance and employmentRead MoreChallenges Facing Current Pool Of Engineers1508 Words  | 7 Pageschallenges facing current pool of engineers. The challenges are spread across the continent affecting lives of companies, institutions and the advancement of society. It is evident that the rate of new technologies in the market superseded the solutions that have been established and implemented. In respect, early identification and definition of the strengths and opportunities including the analysis of the weaknesses amidst the strengths is an approach that will enable engineering manager to standRead MoreThe aim of this paper is, firstly, to recall the basic concepts of SCADA (Supervisory Control and1500 Words  | 6 Pagesare two three phase 440V/5Amp supplies acting as Generator. IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | Apr-2014, Available @ 2 Grid source panel displays Voltage Vry, Vyb and Vbr and three phase current Ir, Iy and Ib on respective meters for both source A and source B. Also for source A sending end powerRead MoreSocial Engineering1052 Words  | 5 PagesSocial Engineering This research paper is primarily based on information gathered from secondary sources explaining what the term â€Å"social engineering†is, how it is perpetrated, and the impact it has on individuals and corporations. It will also discuss ethical issues and action that can be taken by both individuals and corporations respectively to mitigate and minimize the risk of social engineering attacks. 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INTRODUCTION The rapid proliferation of mobile computing technology has massive potential for providing access to different services at any time and from anywhere. The mobile telephone is more than just making calls. It allows accessing several applications and services via the internet connection or by buildingRead MoreGeo Engineering And Its Effects On The Future Generations1580 Words  | 7 PagesCurrently, geo-engineering has not been developed or tested to ensure its efficacy and safety. I know that this uncertainty can be lessened through predictions or computer-generated simulation. Despite these efforts, there will still be a percentage of uncertainty when it comes to the risk that future generations may face. Hence, developing and utilizing geo-engineering may have adverse effects in the future generations, which becomes an ethical issue. Subjecting the future generation to theRead MoreDesign And Development Of Android Mobile Application For Engineering Students1620 Words  | 7 PagesDevelopment of Android Mobile Application for Engineering students Department wise Samuelraj N Satyanarayan Nilesh S Pawar Sagar A Pawar Vishwatmak Om Gurudev College of Engineering Vishwatmak Om Gurudev College of Engineering Vishwatmak Om Gurudev College of Engineering Department of computer engineering Department of computer engineering Department of computer engineering
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health Disparities And Health Care For Minorities - 917 Words
Introduction Racial bias in medicine leads to worse care for minorities is an article from U.S News world report on the website In this article, the experience of a medical doctor is used to shed light on the subject of racial bias/ discrimination in health care and how it is affecting health outcome of racial and ethnic minority. â€Å"Race or ethnic group is a major social factor that influences health in the U.S Braveman 387. Health inequity is at the center stage of public health discussion. Understanding the upstream factors that causes inequities and disparities can help to bridge the gap of inequality. Eliminating health disparity will protect and improve the health of racial and ethnic minority population, which is consistent with the principle of public health-improving and protecting health of populations. Concepts and analysis The article is based on the experience of a Dr. Ron Wyatt, a reputable medical doctor/ patient safety officer, who sought medical care in a hospital when he had a fever of 104 degrees. The hospital was referred to as an award winning hospital. The article suggested that he received lackluster and substandard care from racially biased medical personnel. Considering the events of that day, one can only imagine the process of conferring award on individuals and institutions. His experience began with the nurseShow MoreRelatedMental Health Care Disparities Among Minority Populations1434 Words  | 6 PagesMental Health Care Disparities in Minority Populations Erin Bertelson Denver School of Nursing Mental Health Care Disparities in Minority Populations Across the country, a steady increase has been noted in the number of patients presenting to emergency departments for psychiatric complaints (Zun, 2014). Patients also attempt to use their primary care doctors to treat their mental illnesses. The mental health care options for these patients are extremely limited, especially for minorityRead More Racism and Health Care Disparity Essay1324 Words  | 6 PagesIs Racism the cause of Health care disparity? In recent discussions of health care disparities, a controversial issue has been whether racism is the cause of health care disparities or not. On one hand, some argue that racism is a serious problem in the health care system. From this perspective, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) states that there is a big gap between the health care quality received by minorities, and the quality of health care received by non-minorities, and the reason is due toRead MoreHealth Disparities And Health Care895 Words  | 4 PagesMinorities Introduction Many factors contribute to differing racial and ethnic health needs, including culture norms, religious mandates, and health disparities. The health disparities refers to specific differences in disease incidence, health outcomes, quality of health care and access to health care services that exist across racial and ethnic groups (Mandal, 2014). Disparities may result from inadequate access to care, poor quality of care, cultural issues and social determinants. Health PolicyRead MoreDiscrimination And The Health Care977 Words  | 4 PagesI. Introduction Being a minority in the United States has and will possibly always been a struggle. With the economy being in shams and minimum wage becoming career, minorities have multiple issues that society is unaware especially in health care. A large percent of minorities are the majority of workers of America, in which requires the most of the health care distribution. But are they receiving the proper access to health care and prescription access based on their ethnicity/race? DiscriminationRead MoreTrust Is Obtainable To The Health Care Staff That Consistently1257 Words  | 6 PagesTrust is obtainable to the health care staff that consistently grounds their thoughts on the well-being of all their patients. It is imperative for health care staff to open their understanding to minorities in regard to cultural differences and the deterrents aiding their distrust of medical staff. Moreover, the collaborative effort of the United States (U.S.) healthcare system that helped improve and hind ered the growth of trust between the minorities and health care staff. Understanding everyRead MoreDiversification Continues To Rise In The United States1626 Words  | 7 Pagespopulation health. Additionally, health disparities are growing and impacting the health care field. Cultural competency and communication across language barriers are influential in producing quality care for socioeconomically challenged minorities. However, educational attainment and health literacy are the most influential factors for minorities’ well-being. Better quality of care for minorities ultimately results in an improvement in population health. Keywords: health disparities, health literacyRead MoreInequity: Ethnic and Racial Disparity in American Health Care1405 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferences (or disparities) rampant throughout our nation’s health care system. These disparities can sometimes indicate that there is unequal treatment of Americans in our nation. In 2002, The Institute of Medicine (IOM) published the leading report, Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care. The report proved there is in-fact, racial and ethnic disparities in American health care, and amid the many health care services available. Disparities in health care are of-courseRead MoreEssay on Barriers and Disparities in Health Care893 Words  | 4 PagesBarriers and Disparities in Health Care NUR/550 June 8, 2012 Cynthia Holsen R.N. – C.W.H.N.P. Barriers and Disparities in Health Care Everyone should have the opportunity to achieve a healthy life and have comprehensive health care services available to them. To achieve this healthy life, people need to have access to the health care system and to a health care provider with whom they can develop a trusting relationship. However, existing barriers to attaining health care services oftenRead MoreThe Impact Of Geography On Mental Health Service Use And Care1552 Words  | 7 PagesThe study by Kim et al., (2013), examined racial and ethnic disparities in older black and white adults and the role of geography in mental health service use and care. The critique of this article examined disparities addressed but also the lack of other minorities suffering lack of mental health service use. Reducing racial disparities across the four regions in the South, Northeast, Midwest and West would support improving mental health access at the national level. The older blacks in the SouthRead MoreThe New Eldercare Service Mo del Must Be One Of Inclusion1293 Words  | 6 Pages Chapter Health Disparities in America The new eldercare service model must be one of inclusion. We can no longer afford to marginalize any group of seniors. –Author Introduction I n the United States, wealth is the strongest determinant of health; and the strength of this relationship is profound and continues to increase. Wealth confers many benefits that are associated with health and quality of life outcomes. Wealth creates disparities in high quality education, employment, housing, childcare
Business Plan - Convenience Store - 3365 Words
Business Plan Buster’s A cozy Store that designed for your needs [pic] Business Plan by Lydia Chan CONTENTS[pic] 1. Executive Summary Buster’s is a convenience store specialized in servicing daily needs of occupants of the office building where it is located. It offers variety of products to satisfy customers’ daily needs including snacks, pre-wrapped sandwiches, bottle/canned beverages, stationery, greeting cards, newspapers, paperback books and small gift items. The first Buster’s Store was set up in 2007, a 1,000 square feet store located in the lobby of Empire Centre in Kennedy commercial district. This store is solely owned and managed by Lydia Chan. With fully focused and correct business strategy,†¦show more content†¦Christine will be responsible to coach and mentor the other new hired shop assistant, service customers, keep tract inventory/replenishment and report customers’ comments/complaints to Lydia for ensuring corrective action be taken. We will hire another shop assistant to work together with Christine. Criteria are High school graduate with 1-2 years retailing sales experience. 3. Financials 1. Start-up Finance Summary Anticipated start-up cost of the new store is US$200,000. The main cost of start-up will be inventory. It is estimated that the initial inventory purchase will be $100,000. In addition, $30,000 will have to be spent on fixtures and fittings for the store. Since it is a brand new building, there will be no maintenance needed before move-in. Funding will be come from the combination of the two owners from their own savings. Lydia Chan (75% ownership) - contributes US$150,000 Carmen Chan (25% ownership) - contribute US$50,000 2. Start-up Cost Summary This table shows a summary of start-up cost and expenses [pic] 3.3 Anticipated Revenue and Operating Cost for the First Year [pic] 3.4 Pro-forma cash flow projection for the first year of operation [pic] 5. Break even Analysis The following chart and table show the break-even analysis for Buster’s [pic] [pic] 3.6 Anticipated return on investment in the first three Years The following tableShow MoreRelatedExtended Marketing Mix of Convenience Store1238 Words  | 5 PagesBackground of the Study Convenience stores are in demand all over the world for its unique commercial properties. They are usually open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, carrying a limited life of high turnover convenience products and are conveniently located for quick in and out shopping. These stores provide â€Å"fill-in†purchases for consumer needs. Engaging into this kind of business with the right location, pricing strategy, inventory of products, and pleasant customer approach, it can generateRead MoreSej Overview. Sej President Kazuki Furuya Has Worked Vigorously1515 Words  | 7 Pagesconcept. According to Seven and i Holding corporation annual review of operations for 2016, he plans to actualize this concept by manipulating location, products, and services. Particularly, the introduction of Omni-Channel Strategy and Seven Premium have been absolutely instrumental to SEJ and Seven and i holding Co., Ltd. success. Seven Premium products are of higher quality than traditional convenience store products, but comes at a slightly higher price. SEJ conducted research on customers opinionRead MoreA Food Desert Issue On The Downtown Area Of Greeley, Colorado1288 Words  | 6 Pagesdown of the only grocery store on that side has left the residents in that area struggling to find adequate groceries to fill their refrigerators and cupboards. Their only way to provide for their families is the local convenience stores. There is a convenience store on just about every corner however, there are multiple problems with having the convenience. One issue is that the prices at a convenience store are substantially higher than that of a regular grocery store. Symptoms include, lackRead MoreThe Ownership Of A Liquor Business1691 Words  | 7 Pageswould like to take over the ownership of a liquor business named By-Pass Liquor store located at 3118 South School Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701. Thi s is a turnkey business with good costumer flow and in a prime location of Southern Fayetteville. The business property is in market for a listing price of $335,000 for real-estate, furniture equipment, building and including inventory about $30,000. In order to transfer the ownership of this business to us we are seeking funding from the First stateRead MoreEssay on Ssi Case Distribution1537 Words  | 7 Pagesmajority of SSI products were sold to consumers through various grocery and convenience stores. Vending machines and institutional sales, such as airports, represent the remaining consumer market segments. 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Penney, it is a leading department store retailer of apparel, accessories and home furnishings. But from the beginning of March to the end of May, JCP stock has been generally falling in price. According to a recent researchRead MoreA Grocery Store And A Gas Station914 Words  | 4 PagesVI. Competition Wawa is a convenience store and a gas station. In terms of the convenience stores, our main competitors are 7-Eleven, Heritages, Walgreens, and Rite Aid. In terms of the Gas station, our competition is against local gas stations with lower prices, and Sunoco. To start listing our competitors in the convenience e store competition, 7-Eleven has 58, 300 stores in 17 countries. They are also known for famous for their famous 32, 44, and 64 oz Big Gulp cups. In some locations they evenRead MoreMom and Pop Shops1153 Words  | 5 Pageseffect on small business, but also it has to do with our economy. I plan on the information and graphs I found by researching my information about how the big companies do take over some small business. I will provide a power point presentation in my research paper to also show you more information about my research paper. There is no question that Wal-Mart does cause some mom-and-pop shops to fail. However, those failures are entirely compensated for by the entry of other new small business. I am also
Comparison Claude Monet and Van Gogh Essay Example For Students
Comparison: Claude Monet and Van Gogh Essay This as not due to a lack in technique or training; this is a style that Monet acquired by using very dappled brushstrokes in his work. The individual brushstrokes portray the different shapes of each object, which enhances the composition of this piece. The overlapping of distinct brush strokes gives the piece depth and a lively quality. For example, the high grass is well depicted as blowing in the wind but this movement would not be as beautifully rendered if Monet didnt use dappled brushstrokes. The Path on the Island of Saint Martin, Bethel has a very rich use of color and rightness that bring a sense of clarity to the piece. Monet uses a variety of color in this piece but sticks to mostly earthy tones which gives the piece a harmonious feeling. Monet did not try to smooth away or diminish the appearance of their brush strokes, which was a popular technique during Impressionism. Another Impressionist technique that Monet used was capturing a fleeting moment. In Path on the Island of Saint Martin, Bethel Monet captures the fleeting effects of sunlight that happen throughout that day. Capturing these moments enhances the feeling of a certain impression of the scene. Rain by Vincent Van Gogh is oil painting that was created in 1889. Van Gogh was a famous artist during the Post-Impressionism time period and created artworks that had a strong emotional impact on viewers. Rain has several realistic depictions but stays true to Van Sagos personal experience during the rain storm. Rain has a sad emotional feeling to it, because of the muddy, dark, vivid colors that Van Gogh chose to use. Vincent Van Gogh manipulated many different color lattes in most of his works and he manipulates the colors in Rain by overlapping them to create new tones and shades. The color of the paint that Van Gogh uses perfectly depicts a rainy day; the viewer immediately gets a sense of a gloomy rainstorm when looking at the piece. Van Sagos line work in this piece is extraordinary and allows the viewer to experience the rainstorm first hand; his use of long and short diagonal strokes, which cover the entire forefront of the painting, effortlessly depict a rain storm. Van Gogh choose to use thick white strokes of paint to present the rain and it is rendered beautifully especially in contrast to the darker colors in the background. Van Gogh is able to capture the true essence of the rainstorm by painting the piece very blurry. He rejects the idea of the landscape in order for the viewer to focus more on the rain. Behind the blurriness of the piece the viewer can make out a small fence that Van Gogh painted into his piece. The fence is a little asymmetrical, but seems intentional in order to create a sense of depth and achieve Van Sagos perspective during the rainstorm. In comparison, it is apparent hat Post- Impressionism was highly influenced by Impressionism, and there are many similar techniques used in both pieces. Monet and Van Sagos paintings are both portraying an outdoor landscape of a wheat field, but are painted in many different and unique ways. Van Sagos looks as if it was painted wildly and quickly. Motets piece is clear that he took time to plan each paint stroke. Both oil paintings use earthy color tones but Van Sagos piece has a darker, muddy feel to it because of his technique of manipulating colors. Van Sagos work has a sense of looseness that test the mood and tone perfectly, while Motets work has a little bit more depiction to objects and the landscape. Both artist use oil paint and keep a thick texture of paint so both pieces have this feeling that they are somewhat Jumping out at you. Motets piece depicts the landscape quite clearly while Van Sagos piece is much more blurry and he denies much of the landscape. In Motets piece the trees, landscape, and wheat field are successfully depicted and you can even see some small details. In Van Sagos piece one is more focused on the rain than the blurred out landscape. .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 , .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .postImageUrl , .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 , .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8:hover , .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8:visited , .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8:active { border:0!important; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8:active , .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8 .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u29e11b3e2e7e3bad6233e19c89f30ef8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Comparison Of Coleridge's Rationalism To Wordsworth's Liberalism EssayBoth artists have great use of space that allows the viewer to gain a sense of perspective; Rain seems to be a perspective that was looking down on the wheat filed, while in Path on the Island of Saint Martin, Bethel the viewer is at ground level with the field. In closing, Monet and Van Gogh are very alike in the sense that they both enjoyed painting outdoor landscapes, but they are very different in the way they capture the scenes. Monet strove to capture the essence of a fleeting moment, such as light, while Van Gogh strove to capture the essence of a particular mood or emotion. These two different styles are clearly depicted when walking through the galleries at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Claude Motets art work all give the viewer a sense of clarity with the use of earthy and warm colors that he uses to paint landscapes. Van Sagos art work often leaves one pondering of his exact emotive intentions were but for most, if not all, pieces the viewer is definitely able to feel an array of emotions while browsing through Van Sagos work. Path on the Island of Saint Martin, Bethel by Claude Monet. Personal Photograph by Natalie Pagans. 12 Par 2013.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Entrepreneurship and Study Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship and Study. Answer: Social entrepreneurship though lacks a coherent or rigorous definition has attracted the attention of social theorists, researchers and policy makers due to the inter-relation of social mission and business-like discipline that it involves (Chell et al. 2016). In social entrepreneurship, one addresses his/her social goals, the immediate social, cultural and environmental issues are addressed. In these organizations the economic activities are optimized for securing the best for the society. Often these organizations are partially depended on private sectors so that as a consequence both the parties are in an advantageous position. Any student with a keen interest in sociology will know that social entrepreneurship requires intense research which would be fundamental for the entrepreneurs to address the areas of distress. Social entrepreneurship is far more desirable than for-profit entrepreneurship, in my opinion, as it involves a thorough identification, critical analysis, evaluatio n and adequate usage of opportunities that will result in social development. An active social entrepreneur therefore in the first place, needs to adequately identify the opportunities to advance with the measures to meet the adequacies and requirements, eradication of social problems and creation of social values (Chell et al. 2016). The basic difference between social entrepreneurship and profit entrepreneurship according to my opinion is the methodological planning so as to spend minimum of resources to address the social problems by government, nonprofit and private business sectors. There has a major sprawling up of for-profit organizations with the aim of catering to social needs. It involves a rather subtle blend of profit and social objective. It is not much favorable in my opinion since for-profit entrepreneurship has very often resulted in conflicts regarding the amassment of profit and acquiring power within the social structure. The organizations which are created in leg al manner for serving social objectives apart from making an iota of profit for themselves sometimes result in profiting a single group of individuals at the cost of many. These ventures often measure their success in the light of impact that has been created rather than measuring it against a quantity of work. This is more than often due to a lapse in their decision making process and lack of inherent moral consciousness. One of the positive perspectives that I have gained in the area of entrepreneurship is that social entrepreneurship requires dedication and hard work. The mere usage of shrewdness can result in an absolute failure in the entire functioning of the organization. It is precisely due to this reason that a number of organization needed to go through a thorough scrutiny of financial records by a strict auditor. Whereas, in the sector of social entrepreneurship have held a record of functioning successfully with an adequate usage of data collection and storage creating a reputation for itself in the market. After studying in-depth the theories on entrepreneurship, I have realized that social entrepreneurship is more valuable in a society gripped with problems like starvation and death. I would definitely like to adhere by the principles of social entrepreneurship, honesty and integrity in the field of entrepreneurship. With the help of innovation, social entrepreneurs can both be considerable help to the society and invest practical solution within the social framework. My recent study on social entrepreneurship has made me realize that for the best implementation of societal change, social entrepreneurship is more desirable as for-profit entrepreneurship tends to get corrupted due to factors like money and ownership and liability (Chowdhury2017). In the domain of entrepreneurship high growth entrepreneurship aims for dominating the market and incurring profits. One of the many advantages of high growth entrepreneurship is that it creates employment opportunities in the given industrial sector (Phillips et al. 2015). As per data and records most of these high growth firms are young or start-ups and therefore require a careful marketing strategy to develop and function. High growth entrepreneurship has been stimulating the growth of new jobs and a strong competition in the market for survival, law and legislation and bankruptcy. As per data, a number of high-growth entrepreneurship has collapsed due to their inability to survive in the competitive market (KritiKoS 2014). However, it goes without saying that high growth entrepreneurs also face a high risk of failure and the challenge of surviving amidst difficult requirements of the market. Lifestyle entrepreneurship involves the entrepreneur is not as much as about making profi t as it revolves around changing ones lifestyle and patterns through the medium of business. It revolves around the personal perspective and outlook of the individual which remains at the heart of decision making (Gomez-Breysse 2016). As far as my choices are concerned I would comply with lifestyle entrepreneurship over high-profit entrepreneurship. My new learning on the subject of entrepreneurship has helped me to understand that lifestyle entrepreneurship requires a far greater involvement of ones talents and involvement with the society which can be advantageous while addressing or eradicating social issues. As Baumeister claim, one can only address social problems when one truly sees himself/herself in relation to the other people, when the individual integrates himself within the surrounding culture, he/she can work for the society (KritiKoS 2014). As it is, lifestyle entrepreneurship is more passion driven which is a fundamental aspect of entrepreneurship as I have learnt dur ing my study. High growth entrepreneurship can furthermore witness in restructuring and therefore deviating away from their true purpose, since they are more profit-oriented. References: Chell, E., Spence, L.J., Perrini, F. and Harris, J.D., 2016. Social entrepreneurship and business ethics: Does social equal ethical?.Journal of business ethics,133(4), pp.619-625. Chowdhury, F.N., 2017. A Study of Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh: Pros and Cons.Journal of Asian Scientific Research,7(1), p.1. Dees, J.G., 2017. 1 The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship. InCase Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability(pp. 34-42). Routledge. Dentchev, N., Baumgartner, R., Dieleman, H., Jhannsdttir, L., Jonker, J., Nyberg, T., Rauter, R., Rosano, M., Snihur, Y., Tang, X. and van Hoof, B., 2016. Embracing the variety of sustainable business models: social entrepreneurship, corporate intrapreneurship, creativity, innovation, and other approaches to sustainability challenges.Journal of Cleaner Production. Gomez-Breysse, M., 2016. The Lifestyle Entrepreneur.Revue de lEntrepreneuriat,15(3), pp.231-256. KritiKoS, A.S., 2014. Entrepreneurs and their impact on jobs and economic growth.IZA world of labor. Masurel, E. and Snellenberg, R., 2017. Does the lifestyle entrepreneur exists? An analysis of lifestyle entrepreneurs compared with other entrepreneurs on the basis of the development of entrepreneurial competences.Research Memorandum, p.1. Phillips, W., Lee, H., Ghobadian, A., ORegan, N. and James, P., 2015. Social innovation and social entrepreneurship: A systematic review.Group Organization Management,40(3), pp.428-461.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Sample Essay Of Journal Entry
Sample Essay Of Journal EntryGetting the sample essay of journal entry is a matter of principle. Once you have made up your mind that you will write the essay, you can even sit back and relax as you work to compose a fine and complete work. Writing an essay for your personal journal should be a reflection of your thoughts, ideas, and insights. The essay should reflect your way of thinking processes and reveal your favorite memories of the event or person you are writing about.The time you take to compose the essay will determine the quality of the essay. If you are willing to sacrifice time and effort, then you will not experience any more of problems later on. In addition, you will be able to concentrate more on the material to be presented and you will have a clear idea on how to make it work for your purpose. On the other hand, if you are willing to spend more time to prepare the essay, you will have a more in-depth understanding of the topics you intend to cover. Thus, if you are writing an essay for yourself, you have the choice of the type of essay to write.So, what are some factors to consider when you are planning on writing a sample essay of journal entry? First of all, decide on the format of the essay. There are three formats of essays: official format, personal format, and informal format. You have to think carefully about which type of essay you want to write. An official essay is one that is written according to a college's degree requirements. A personal essay is one that is not just for personal use.The informal essay is usually found in college degrees that focus on social life and relationships. Thus, the essay is intended to depict real life experiences. The personal essay can be used to share personal thoughts and experiences, and not just to improve your grades. Finally, the formal essay is a personal essay meant for public reference. These two types of essays will determine your path as an essay writer.If you find yourself in the path of a student who is always on his or her toes to catch up with the latest trends, then you can be expected to have a formal essay. These essays tend to express thoughts on current events and other relevant information. At the same time, they include direct quotations from public speakers, historians, and other sources. They tend to be more serious than the informal style of essay because they deal with events and issues that may get their attention. This might be a good option for you if you are writing a personal essay or for the school board.To prepare for an essay, you have to focus on the topic first. Then, you can apply some further techniques to write the essay. You should have a good grasp of the format and use of sentences. After you have made a start, the rest will come easy to you.There are several people in the world who have successfully written their own essay. These essays range from some short personal writings, to online content, to journal entries. By going through the steps mentioned here, you can successfully compose an essay that is according to your purpose.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Unilever Company
Abstract Unilever Company is operated by two parent companies which are Netherlands-based Unilever N.V. and UK-based Unilever PLC. It is one of the largest makers of consumer based goods. The product strategy, distribution strategy, communication strategy and pricing strategy that the company has applied over the years has been the main driving force towards its success. In addition, the company has majorly concentrated on the products preferred by consumers. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Unilever Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Its entry in to developing markets has also fanned its growth and success. The reception in such markets was enormous thus any attempt to oust unilever from these markets has not been fruitful. It still dominates the developing markets and some of developed markets. Unilever Company profile Unilever Company is a top manufacturer of packaged consumer goods globally. It s products vend in more than 170 countries through out Western Europe, Latin America, Africa, Middle East, North America and Asia. The company offers several categories of products. The paramount sellers include mayonnaise, tea, soaps and antiperspirants. Unilever is the working arm of Unilever PLC and Unilever N.V. Mission statement ‘Meeting the everyday needs of people everywhere’ Product strategy Unilever is going by the inexpensive pricing strategy of Hindustan unilever limited in markets with recession such as the US. It offers products through dollar stores to consumers. This is a fraction of a recent Unilever strategy to increase its earnings from recession-hit emerging markets such as China, India and Brazil which have been growing more rapidly. Product strategy is considered a management process (McGrath, 2001). Distribution strategy Unilever has established plants in the 170 countries where their products are vended. The company distributes its products using the plant names in the market. For example in India, the distributor is Hindustan Unilever Limited. In UK, the distributor is Unilever PLC.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Anonymity conceals the company’s significance. Unilever trades using brand names. Everyone knows its brand names. Distribution strategy must always be considered before marketing process (Rolnicki, 1998). Pricing strategy Unilever Thai Holdings Ltd, a large consumer products maker, have taken up a new pricing strategy, offering customers up to 20 per cent discount the usual prices of its products, and setting the phase for ferocious competition in this sector. The firm has reduced its marketing and advertising expenses to hold up the new strategy as more customers have less expenditure ability and confidence, as they are affected by the decrepit economy (Baker, 2010, et al.). Global busin ess environment and the countries selected market Currently emerging and already existing companies that produce similar products as unilever are restrategizing and entering the market. These companies have majorly concentrated in developed countries. This includes the whole of Europe, parts of Asia, South America and Australia. Although unilever vends its products globally, it has mainly conquered the markets in developing countries. These include Africa, Latin America and parts of Asia. It has divided its products to meet market specification. In these developing countries, the competition is low thus unilever enjoys the market dominance. Competitive environment As a result, of the competition in most countries unilever vends products in appropriate markets. Unilever manufactures consumer packaged products used mainly at home. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Unilever Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Lear n More The stiff competition present in the 170 countries that unilever operates makes the company to perform selective vending. For example, the ice cream and dressings are not vended in developing countries like Africa, as there are low sales and are not considered basic requirements. Instead, they are retailed in Europe and some parts of Asia where there are more sales. The same applies to products like Omo, dove, Lux and Rexona which are majorly vended in developing countries. This is because they are considered basic requirements; as a result, there is a ready market. Target market Unilever has got a wide target market which includes both domestic and general utilities. These markets include drinks and domestic products. In each market, there are specific products that are retailed. The products include soaps, drinks, spreads (blue band) and ice cream (Kurtz, 2009, et al.). Communication strategy Unilever communicates with its customers by use of media and bill boards for ad vertisement. This is a strategy most companies employ. As a result, Unilever wants to use the Internet in order to perk up brand communication, advertising and on-line selling. It will also simplify business-to-business connections a long the distribution chain. Unilever has lately awarded an Indian firm an IT contract. Unilever has made contact with several software developers to facilitate this project. The use of visual and audio communication means is widely employed by many companies (Jones, 2008). Impact of culture Culture has played a big role in dragging and speeding the prosperity of Unilever Company. When the company first entered the markets in undeveloped countries, for example, Africa, it faced many challenges. The personal care and home care products that are vended in Africa took long to be accepted in the market. This is so because the communities were still conversant with their traditional modes of personal and home based care. Once these products were accepted, the presence of new products from other companies faced massive rejection. This resulted to their withdrawal. Thus, unilever products still dominated.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Key management issues Changes were recently made in the company’s top administration. It has started selling off any subordinate companies that are earning less profit, and ‘decentralized’ control of subsidiaries. The Head Quarter in Europe just scrutinizes profit margins and making sure they are maximized. This resulted in cutting of expenditure like reducing workers pay. References McGrath, M. (2001). Product strategy for high technology companies: accelerating your business to web speed. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. Rolnicki, K. (1998). Managing channels of distribution. New York: AMACOM Division of American Management Association. Baker, W. Marn, M. Zawada, C. (2010). The Price Advantage. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Kurtz, D. Mackenzie, H Snow, K. (2009). Contemporary Marketing. Toronto: Cengage Learning. Jones, P. (2008). Communicating Strategy. Gower Publishing limited. This research paper on Unilever Company was written and submitted by user Legion to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
ancient greek civilisation essays
ancient greek civilisation essays The earliest Greek civilization thrived around 4,000 years ago. Some of the things that they had that we still use today are the arts, science, math, literature, and politics. The Greeks were known for their great intelligence, military strategies, and their buildings. All Greek's spoke the same language. This made it easier to trade and to communicate between different parts of the country. All Greeks believed in the same gods and also shared some common heritage. The Greeks believed that there was a god for everything on earth. A few examples of these gods are Zeus, ruler of the gods. Posidon was the god of the ocean and Hades, god of the under world. The Greek government was not a monarchy with a king and queen. Instead the Greek government was a city-state. A city-state is when each city has its own separate The men were a very important part of the Greek civilization because they were the ones that ran the government. The men were also the ones who would plant and work the fields or would oversee them. They would also spend time sailing, hunting, or manufacturing things for trade. For fun, the men would attend drinking parties, would wrestle, and enjoyed horse back riding. When the men held drinking parties for his friends the wives and daughters were not aloud to attend. The women in the Greek civilization were very limited to what they were allowed to do. They were permitted to attend weddings, funerals, and visit female neighbors for brief periods. The main responsibility for the women were to bear children and to watch over the house and make sure it was cleaned by one of the slaves because women were rarely ever responsible for cleaning the house. Women slaves were the cooks, cleaners, and sometimes even worked in the fields. The male slaves would act as a guard and would stand at the door and protect the women when the man was away. Only other ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
The pentagon papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The pentagon papers - Essay Example Firstly, it came to be known that Nixon had sought a way to illegally discredit and outright stop Ellsberg during his first and only term as president. This understanding and realization was worth more than most people initially realized; due to the fact that the desire to stifle dissent and promote continued engagement in Vietnam was an issue that both political parties tacitly supported. Secondly, the impact upon society with respect to an understanding of democracy was one that encouraged people to question what the government actually was taking part in; no longer was allowing for the luxury of believing spokesmen with respect to the activities that were going on within the military or within governance. As such, the principal values that were eroded with respect to this situation can be determined to be predicated upon public trust in the government. Further, the impact upon the constitutional strength of the first amendment was also profound. The underlying reason for this has do to with the fact that even though individuals within the government originally sought to prosecute those responsible for the publication of these documents, any effort to do so was eventually understood as causing further damage to the administration. Similar to the situation of Edward Snowden, the ethical concern that is illustrated within this case, and within the film, had to do with the fact that publication of these documents was clearly an abrogation of the law (Freivogel, 2013). However, due to the number of individuals that continued to die in the Vietnam conflict each and every day, Ellsberg was faced with the ethical dilemma of whether or not the lies and fabrications that the government had thus far been responsible for warranted the unprecedented release of information. Ultimately, the answer that was determined was that the loss of trust a nd outright lies that the US government had been peddling for nearly 8 years was
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