Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Health Disparities And Health Care For Minorities - 917 Words
Introduction Racial bias in medicine leads to worse care for minorities is an article from U.S News world report on the website In this article, the experience of a medical doctor is used to shed light on the subject of racial bias/ discrimination in health care and how it is affecting health outcome of racial and ethnic minority. â€Å"Race or ethnic group is a major social factor that influences health in the U.S Braveman 387. Health inequity is at the center stage of public health discussion. Understanding the upstream factors that causes inequities and disparities can help to bridge the gap of inequality. Eliminating health disparity will protect and improve the health of racial and ethnic minority population, which is consistent with the principle of public health-improving and protecting health of populations. Concepts and analysis The article is based on the experience of a Dr. Ron Wyatt, a reputable medical doctor/ patient safety officer, who sought medical care in a hospital when he had a fever of 104 degrees. The hospital was referred to as an award winning hospital. The article suggested that he received lackluster and substandard care from racially biased medical personnel. Considering the events of that day, one can only imagine the process of conferring award on individuals and institutions. His experience began with the nurseShow MoreRelatedMental Health Care Disparities Among Minority Populations1434 Words  | 6 PagesMental Health Care Disparities in Minority Populations Erin Bertelson Denver School of Nursing Mental Health Care Disparities in Minority Populations Across the country, a steady increase has been noted in the number of patients presenting to emergency departments for psychiatric complaints (Zun, 2014). 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